OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 37

307. I feel that pet owners should be responsible for their own pets and should use their own lot. When clean up is required when out for a walk it should be the responsibility of the pet’s owner to provide the necessary bags and spray for clean up. The size of pet might also be a consideration going forward. I also feel that shotgun starts work well with the golf and allows all groups to play together and finish together. 308. I want pet owners to leave ORPS for dog relief. The grass areas that have been chosen for dog relief look terrible. Turn two satellite tennis courts into pickleball courts. Stop allowing outside players to come in and play tennis here. 309. Encourage, not require, removal of grass. 310. I need internet, hate, hate, hate having to line up at Spectrum for an hour. I don’t think you can call yourself a five star resort without internet. Get with the times. We love the 19th hole and what you’ve done to have free entertainment, people just want to have fun, dance and have a few cocktails, look how many are showing up compared to a few years ago. Great job! Staff is friendly Thanks to the whole organization for making us feel welcomed, good for you guys in asking our opinions, there’s always room for improvements. 311. The current Board is lacking in that I feel they have their own agendas and do not always act in the best interests of the owners. There needs to be a Strategic Plan in place and they need to hold management accountable and not try to fix everything themselves. Also the experience level on the Board and the Committees is lacking somewhat. The Board needs to have the right qualified people, as well as on the Committees and the Board needs to listen to these individuals instead of making their own decisions, which for the most part they are not qualified to make. They should be recruiting people for Finance who have a background as a CA, The Laundry Facilities do not work, there is no maintenance being completed or repairs. The Security Gate needs to provide visitors with a map showing them how to get to lots they are visiting. They need to relook at the difference between an owner and renter as there does not appear to be any great benefit to owners. This is not a KOA, nor is it a Mobile Home Park, there are too many renters and too many full-time living. At what point does it no longer qualify as a Resort? The satellites all require upgrading, this is what people see when they come into the resort. 312. I want to continue to have pride and enjoyment in the ownership here at ORPS. I realize that it isn't easy to "please" 1203 owners. But, we need to have some core ideologies, values and goals. And this requires two aspects of rules and regulations. having them and the second is enforcing them. Rhetoric is nice but it must be backed up with actions. 313. The orchard is wasted valuable space. The rotten fruit attracts rodents and people sneak their dogs in there to potty. People pick up dropped fruit off the ground. This is a major health hazard. I’d like to see this property used a better way. 314. I think the grass around the clubhouse (where the dogs pee) should be converted to turf (if possible). All the burnt grass areas look terrible. 315. Please protect the daily yoga. Many resorts have tried to find a yoga teacher with little success.

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