OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 38
316. Some of the satellite pools/restroom facilities are in poor condition and not representative of a Premier RV Resort. i.e., Satellite D. It is time for a renovation. There is a sauna that is never used; an additional shower would be more useful. This is a tough situation: Construction workers frequently use satellite washrooms and track dirt/mud through the pool areas and into the restroom. They need somewhere to go, but not sure what to suggest. The Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday night entertainment evenings are a fun time to get together with others, but can we be more creative with menu items? i.e., Hot dogs every Tuesday. Maybe consider pulled pork sandwiches, chicken Caesar salad, pizza, etc. Just look at any bar menu and see all of the possibilities that could easily be served. Have Bella Roma cater more often. I am most thankful to the Board for their dedication and commitment to ORPS. However, many Board meetings, including the most recent, are extremely (and painfully) long. I would suggest a review of our format/processes. How can consent agendas be effectively implemented? What information/reports can be posted to be reviewed in advance so that meeting time can be focused on highlighting facts and making decisions? How can we tighten up presentations, questions, responses? Some items drag out needlessly. Perhaps an external governance consultant could be of assistance to help the Board recognize changes that can be made to help make the best use of their valuable time. 317. I'm surprised there were no real questions regarding the pet issues and the trial and money spent on this. This park was designed for the people and needs that to be our focus. I hope no more pet relief areas will be considered. People cannot follow the rules we have in place now, so why would we offer more opportunities for the rules to be broken? Funds need to be spent on upgrading our laundry facilities and surrounding Satellite pool areas. The machines mark clothing, or they don't work; aren't deep cleaned. The counter and cupboards are in rough shape. Better and updated signage so people follow rules. We were told last year the pool decks would be upgraded but that hasn't happened. Let's get back to how this resort was run 3-4 years ago. And bring it back to the "premier" resort we claim to be. Our HOA fees are the highest of many resorts and the board needs to very savvy on where and how we spend our money. 318. I believe it important to bring our Resort back to a 5 Star level. Summer maintenance and extensive cleaning and sanitizing is needed for a start so that owners do not have to call in for repairs or assistance during our vacation time. Resort aesthetics have slipped significantly in the last three years. Pets are the big issue here. This needs to be effectively addressed soon. Lots of suggestions have been offered up over the last year and nothing but the degradation of our two high prominent areas (Tennis and Pickleball courts) has been done. 319. Stop spending money on stuff that is not needed. Stop doing projects over the summer that most owners aren't aware of. A $72,000 pond liner that was never used and left to rot. A behind the scenes bad investment made by a past board member. 320. I would like to see management and the directors attempt to hold the HOA fees to a minimum because there are many lot owners at ORPS on a fixed income and find it hard to pay the increases in HOA fees. It would be a shame to lose good residents due to in affordability.
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