OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 42

meetings outside the park when we are in the desert. It is important to his continuing sobriety. Thanks. Thanks for listening. Thanks for the survey. We should do this every year. 340. Would like a lot rental pool available managed by front office. Would like dog relief discontinued at the sports courts and do not put in DG. Ask dog owners to license dogs and use proceeds to keep main and front relief areas maintained. Educate dog owners to use their own lots for relief or take them to Ramon Rd for a walk, main relief or front relief or dog park. Would like more enforcement of proper pet etiquette. 341. In reference to the Golf questions: We do not have official men's and women's golf club. You must be invited to play with them. They take up too many tee times at prime times for the number of golf players in the resort. I am a dog owner and feel the change in allowing goes to use the areas around the tennis and pickle ball court has been very positive for us. I would like to see better waste containers (airtight) and have the grass replaced with decomposed granite. 342. More opportunity to speak at Board Meetings. Board needs to take owner comments seriously. The Board spent a crapload of money on this survey and to a strategic planning company when that had already been done. They just needed to read the report and survey results from one year ago. This board has no fiscal mindset. Operating in the Red after three great years of a Responsible Board one could Trust. This one spends money foolishly and doesn’t know how to lead or manage. Look at the Kitchen fiasco. A whole season without a proper kitchen and food services. many planned functions had to be cancelled. This board could not build on what the other prior board was doing to enhance the entertainment, food, and beverage. Tennis facilities are just fine, even though the very few elite players want more and more when the 10 courts they do have are rarely used. Satellite tennis courts should be put to better use like bocce ball, pet areas, meeting rooms, workshops, more pickleball courts. 343. ES pool deck needs to be altered, bathrooms need to be made safe and functional. Speed limit in resort needs to be increased. Dog relief stations should not be in high traffic areas close to owners’ lots and sports facilities. Security has improved in the past year, resulting in an increased feeling of safety. Golf is well managed. Change of ball is an asset, would like to see a sound barrier erected so the restrictions can be lifted. 344. Some more maintenance should be done to the fruit trees in the orchard....DO NOT LET DOGS in the orchard area ever. 345. The current arrangements for Dog Owners is an absolute disgrace. For the Board of Directors to have approved of a policy that allows a constant stream of dogs to abuse the grass areas around the two most high profile facilities in the Park....the tennis courts and the pickleball beyond comprehension. If it is not bad enough that dog stains destroy the grass appearance, or that some owners do not pick up after their dog, the board obviously have no regard whatsoever for owners living in those areas who have to observe a never ending stream of dogs using the grass for toilet purposes and the subsequent odors left behind.

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