OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 43

346. I think that the resort should be maintained to the 5 star requirements, which means that NO new projects should be done. Get the Kitchen done. Do repairs at all satellites to include pool decks, building stucco and paint. Restroom tile and grout repair. Clean restroom/shower floor tile/grout. Make sure there is hot water at all times. The fencing around area needs repair. Gates need to shut automatically. All washers and dryers need to work at all times and keep them working at all times. Repair roof water leaks at LP clubhouse. The barbeques at ES should be vented or removed from that area. Do repairs as needed to other areas, NO new projects until our existing resort meets 5 star status. 347. We own three lots, live on one rent the other two through inside rental agent Pets are the real looser with ORPS, people need to get over common areas that do NOT look on patio area and allow more areas for pets. Would like to see an improvement system for listening to and responding to board meetings. The fitness center is not being taken care, the white board is always full of things that need to be repaired. If we are going to have a fitness center which is important to most of us whatever is in it needs to be in working order and safe. The laundry at the Satellites as well the main laundry need to be updated. I would think we should be able to find someone with background in working on washers and dryers and hire them to be part of maintenance department, even if the resort has to send them to training on whatever system we have. We would like to have more choices at our restaurant The maintenance department employees are lacking, the only thing I ever see them do is race in and out of the maintenance yard. Lights through the resort need to be fixed. Fans in the main laundry need to be moved for three years, when they were installed the took the cheap route and now when they are on with the lights you have a strobe effect which can be a bad if you get migraines. The mess that everyone deals with at the garbage area, somehow we need to find a better solution. Owners, renters or guests should not be allowed to go through the garbage for bottles and cans. The light globes in ES ballroom need to be taken down and cleaned; some of us have complained for more than three years and they are still dirty. I would love to see the resort allow fund raising to possibilities of adding a wood shop to an area inside the maintenance department. 348. We keep up our 5 star rating.

349. Would be nice to have wifi.

350. The golf program is working well. Our board should be more transparent. 351. Overall we are very satisfied - we purchased in 2017 and this is just our first season being retired. The only thing I was wondering is why through this shut down of activities, that we couldn't still be using the ForeTees system to book our tee offs? Comedy night seems to be very popular - we couldn't get tickets for the one that we were here for. Maybe more? 352. I think the resort should be seasonal, to cut cost close in the summer, should not be open year-round. Love the flowers and green space; that’s why we bought in ORPS instead of elsewhere. Should be able to have Park Models.

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