OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 46

364. First I’d like to say that I think our Board of Directors has done an outstanding job this year, and while some very hard decisions had to be made most recently with the Covid challenge, I the decisions you all made, they were the right ones for everyone’s safe health, keep up the good work! As we are striving to be the five star resort, I feel we can reach that goal, but some adjustments and upgrades need to be made. 1) I feel all the new and existing rules and regulations need to be better enforced Ex: speed limits, (especially the vendors) and stopping at stop signs. The places that have no signs, but the word is written on the ground needs to be addressed. Do we stop or not? 2) People riding bikes, thru the guard gates (either way) needs to be addressed. 3) More crosswalks are needed especially by the clubhouses. If we’re to be walking on the left side, then a cross walk would be great from the LP clubhouse to the sidewalk going to the gate. The crosswalk in front of the guard gate is very long and there are some impatient people not waiting long enough for one to cross far enough to be safe. It would be nice if everyone used signals as to the direction one is going. 4) This one should actually be #1 the satellite laundry facilities need to be upgraded and maintained, it’s horrible and inconvenient to have laundry all over the place because the washers or dryers don’t work. 5) I feel enough money and time went to ES now it’s time for the LP and pool upgrade, shades etc. I feel the resort is pretty at a glance but could use a sprucing up at the front office, more plants, flowers (I know it gets hot there and things don’t last). 6) Who can be responsible for the trash that is found around LP clubhouse parking lot? Beer bottles left by the dog disposal (can’t even put it inside), food and drink containers left next to cars. Perhaps a trash can? And last but least any chance of getting the streets repaved? I understand that these items take time and money but little things here and there (like home) definitely make a difference. Thank you for your time to read these and thank you again for your hard work. Bring the ice cream social back to LP! I’m boycotting! Everything is at ES because of the bar and kitchen, except bingo. Thank you. 365. During this time of COVID Crisis I understand the reasoning behind prohibiting all non- essential guests from entering their communities to minimize the residents’ exposure to COVID-19. I do believe however, that caretakers and immediate family members of residents should be excluded from that prohibition. That being said, if you are prohibiting entry to all non-essential guests and the resort has not had an episode of exposure why close all forms of exercise & activity to residents, it makes no sense in my opinion. 366. It's important for the board & Management to ensure good fiscal management practices are in place in order to keep our HOA fees as low as possible while still having a great resort. 367. The reason we loved Outdoor Resort was the green and beauty of the flowers and the facilities. I also loved it for its community. We were also impressed with the cost of HOA's; we are not happy to see them going up, especially when we see renovations that are poorly planned or more extravagant than they need to be. Please keep it beautiful, affordable and a seasonal community. 368. Yes, I do not think that any working people in the resort should be able to use the facilities of the owners. I also don't appreciate the workers driving around in golf carts on their phones. I was at the Resort on 3/27 and one almost ran into me.

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