OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 48
376. We have a huge need for more meeting space. The more clubs and activities we get, the worse the situation becomes. Regular long term activities get bumped unless we pay the $25 fee to super reserve the room, I think that the competition for spaces causing a lot of discontent and puts pressure on the events/activity staff, I understand that even the LP mail room and library is being reserved and hasn’t been before and is reserved by the same people for many evenings. Space needs are critical. 377. Focus on what's important to the majority of members and keep our HOA fees down. ORPS is not in competition with resorts in Florida or elsewhere. We didn't require a golf pro for a par 3 course and the reservation system we now have works well. If owners want lessons, there are plenty of pros in the area. RE - pet park, they are available outside of the resort if dog owners want to exercise their dogs. Don't make pet waste everyone's problem. Please enforce the rules. Mark all gates to PB, tennis and satellites with no dog signs because some owners disregard the rules. The Board needs to communicate better and be more responsive if they want to earn our trust. Cleanliness of the hot tubs, washrooms at the Sats is substandard. More frequent/ thorough cleaning is required. Maintenance is another problem with 2 men riding around in a golf cart while on their cell phones drumming up business. Please hold these guys accountable. 378. The fitness center is to warm. I believe the IFA suggests 65 to 68. Of course the thermostat covers are painted over (no transparency here) so we really don't know how warm it actually is. 379. When feasible, purchase adjoining land for expansion of facilities and activities. 380. Only one elliptical in gym that everyone wants to use because the other one squeaks, and resistance part of machine doesn't work. I think if you buy up a couple lots by satellite A against the front wall in the corner by Pot plant you could make that into a dog area. Satellite E has been with only one washer for the season. Very important to have working machines. 381. Do a dog survey. What is dog population at ORPS? 382. I feel we need more social activities which appeal to the entire park. For example: I feel that this year there was far too much emphasis on the 19th hole bar!! I do not feel that ORPS has the close feeling of community which it had in our early years here. The activity committee could do a lot more to further that feeling. 383. The lawns around the resort give it a rich, country club appearance. Please, please DO NOT go to desert landscapes!! 384. I do not own a dog but I enjoy seeing well behaved dogs but cannot stand the ones that do not stop barking. Especially when we are having dinner and there is so much noise.
385. Like the new relief areas for dogs. 386. Do not take away any more tennis courts for any reason.
387. Free internet.
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