OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 49
388. I am pleased to see fewer annual flowers currently being planted in the common area gardens. The cost of annual flowers and watering of same is unnecessary and would be mitigated by planting more permanent desert / xeriscape gardens. The front entrance to ORPS could be a great showplace of interesting plants - structure, color, blooms - instead of the costly annuals. Regarding lot maintenance - it seems that there is not a set schedule for lawn moving/trimming that is adhered to. It would be nice if there was, or if it were followed. Regarding emptying of garbage/recycling bins by maintenance yard - these are not emptied as frequently as should be because on numerous occasions the overflow garbage has been piled up beside the bins which were all full. This is not only unsightly but lends itself to further rodent infestations and potential disease. Regarding pet areas - earlier this month as I was driving up to front of LP clubhouse on return from outside of park, to see a pet (on leash) defecating on the lawn at front of clubhouse. This was disgusting!!! Further, the condition of the small grass strips, around the tennis courts, which are used for pet areas is also an eyesore. That lawns around the prime community buildings and tennis/pickleball courts are used for dog 'dumping grounds' belies any stated objectives of prioritizing appearance of the park. As noted, we do not have a dog, (neither do our neighbours) and I was angered to find dog feces on the grass just behind our trailer as I was working outside, also earlier this month. The number of pets in the park is getting out of hand as it clearly is having a negative impact of the overall appearance of the lawns in the park, and with careless pet owners, is infringing on my right to enjoy my space and common areas in the park. Regarding lot appearance - several lots in the park (particularly of full-time residents) have been decorated for years with tacky, faded silk flowers in gardens and in flowerpots. Some of the A&A committee's focus should be on eliminating these and other yard decorations which are well past their prime and detract from overall appearance of the park and goal of being a premier RV park. Further, the extra allowances being made by A&A re changes and diversity in soft and hardscape materials, plus allowances to eliminate almost, if not all, grass on lots, is detracting from overall appearance of the park. It is starting to look very hodge-podge, which I see as a negative. I also view the allowances for the increasing numbers of small C-class motorhomes and short trailers in the park as a negative which doesn't conform with the vision of a premier RV park. 389. Please replace or fix all of the broken washers and dryers. Some in my satellite have been broken all season. Given the amount of money these machines generate, this is not acceptable. I would like to see a vote of the owners regarding the dog relief areas that were supposed to be a trial this year until Dec. 31st, but ended up going all season. This is a big issue, and the owners should have a say in how it will be handled going forward. We should complete all repairs on facilities that need to be done before taking on any other financial commitments. Thanks for all of the work done by the Board. We have a great resort with a diverse population. 390. Satellite C has had none functioning washers and dryers since October 2019. Also satellite M has too! We need new machines especially in satellite C. These are basic cleanliness needs. 391. We are new owners. 392. We need to be thinking of what renters like and want to pay since they are usually the buyers of the future!
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