OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey April 2020 Page 10 of 82
Figure 11: Importance Satellite Areas
Under 56 AGE
50.4%, 398 Male GENDER 187 48.1% 122 31.4% 64 16.5% 9 2.3% 7 1.8% 389 100.0% 4.22 50.4%, 398 Male GENDER 172 45.3% 188 49.5% 13 3.4% 7 1.8% 0 0.0% 380 100.0% 4.38 188 49.3% 166 43.6% 22 5.8% 5 1.3% 0 0.0% 381 100.0% 4.41
53.5%, 426 5/Less Years TENURE 236 56.6% 106 25.4% 59 14.1% 9 2.2% 7 1.7% 417 100.0% 4.33 53.5%, 426 5/Less Years TENURE 217 52.0% 181 43.4% 7 1.7% 10 2.4% 2 0.5% 417 100.0% 4.44 241 57.9% 153 36.8% 13 3.1% 7 1.7% 2 0.5% 416 100.0% 4.50
4.5%, 36 Year Round RESIDE 23 69.7% 7 21.2% 3 9.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 33 100.0% 4.61 4.5%, 36 Year Round RESIDE 16 45.7% 19 54.3% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 35 100.0% 4.46 19 54.3% 14 40.0% 1 2.9% 1 2.9% 0 0.0% 35 100.0% 4.46
68.8%, 546 No DOG OWNER 290 54.7% 153 28.9% 70 13.2% 11 2.1% 6 1.1% 530 100.0% 4.34 68.8%, 546 No DOG OWNER 256 48.9% 244 46.6% 17 3.2% 7 1.3% 0 0.0% 524 100.0% 4.43 280 53.4% 222 42.4% 16 3.1% 6 1.1% 0 0.0% 524 100.0% 4.48
35.3%, 280 56 to 65 148 53.6% 85 30.8% 35 12.7% 6 2.2% 2 0.7% 276 100.0% 4.34
41.2%, 327 66 to 75
17.0%, 135 Over 75 62 50.4% 32 26.0% 21 17.1% 5 4.1% 3 2.4% 123 100.0% 4.18
49.6%, 392 Female 223 59.3% 96 25.5% 45 12.0% 9 2.4% 3 0.8% 376 100.0% 4.40
46.5%, 370 6+ Years 176 49.7% 114 32.2% 51 14.4% 9 2.5% 4 1.1% 354 100.0% 4.27
21.8%, 173 6-11 Months 94 55.6% 46 27.2% 22 13.0% 3 1.8% 4 2.4% 169 100.0% 4.32
73.6%, 584 5/Less Months
31.2%, 248 Yes
6.4%, 51
174 54.7% 87 27.4% 47 14.8% 5 1.6% 5 1.6% 318 100.0% 4.32
294 51.9% 167 29.5% 84 14.8% 15 2.6% 7 1.2% 567 100.0% 4.28
123 51.3% 65 27.1% 40 16.7% 7 2.9% 5 2.1% 240 100.0% 4.22
Very Important Important Neutral Unimportant Very Unimportant
27 52.9% 14 27.5% 7 13.7% 2 3.9% 1 2.0% 51 100.0% 4.25
464 53.8% 246 28.5% 122 14.2% 18 2.1% 12 1.4% 862 100.0% 4.31
Totals Mean
Figure 12: Satisfaction
Under 56 AGE
35.3%, 280 56 to 65
41.2%, 327 66 to 75 159 50.6% 140 44.6% 9 2.9% 5 1.6% 1 0.3% 314 100.0% 4.44 181 57.8% 120 38.3% 6 1.9% 5 1.6% 1 0.3% 313 100.0% 4.52
17.0%, 135 Over 75
49.6%, 392 Female
46.5%, 370 6+ Years
21.8%, 173 6-11 Months
73.6%, 584 5/Less Months 277 49.0% 260 46.0% 16 2.8% 10 1.8% 2 0.4% 565 100.0% 4.42 302 53.5% 237 41.9% 18 3.2% 6 1.1% 2 0.4% 565 100.0% 4.47
31.2%, 248 Yes 116 47.9% 110 45.5% 5 2.1% 9 3.7% 2 0.8% 242 100.0% 4.36 129 53.5% 95 39.4% 11 4.6% 4 1.7% 2 0.8% 241 100.0% 4.43
6.4%, 51
Resort Appearance Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
27 52.9% 23 45.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 2.0% 51 100.0% 4.47 27 52.9% 19 37.3% 3 5.9% 1 2.0% 1 2.0% 51 100.0% 4.37
404 47.8% 398 47.0% 24 2.8% 18 2.1% 2 0.2% 846 100.0% 4.40 441 52.3% 358 42.5% 30 3.6% 12 1.4% 2 0.2% 843 100.0% 4.45
132 47.8% 125 45.3% 9 3.3% 10 3.6% 0 0.0% 276 100.0% 4.37 139 50.2% 123 44.4% 11 4.0% 4 1.4% 0 0.0% 277 100.0% 4.43
54 43.9% 64 52.0% 4 3.3% 1 0.8% 0 0.0% 123 100.0% 4.39 61 49.6% 55 44.7% 7 5.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 123 100.0% 4.44
197 51.6% 166 43.5% 9 2.4% 9 2.4% 1 0.3% 382 100.0% 4.44 217 57.0% 151 39.6% 7 1.8% 5 1.3% 1 0.3% 381 100.0% 4.52
154 44.0% 175 50.0% 15 4.3% 6 1.7% 0 0.0% 350 100.0% 4.36 167 47.6% 165 47.0% 16 4.6% 3 0.9% 0 0.0% 351 100.0% 4.41
77 46.7% 77 46.7% 5 3.0% 6 3.6% 0 0.0% 165 100.0% 4.36 86 52.1% 66 40.0% 10 6.1% 3 1.8% 0 0.0% 165 100.0% 4.42
Totals Mean Landscaping
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Totals Mean
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