PhysiotherapyCenterLTD | PT After Total Shoulder Replacement

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N E W S L E T T E R Your Resource for Health, Wellness, and Caring For Your Body

MARCH 2022

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Do you suffer from pain in your shoulder? Have you been told you have severe ar thritis and need a shoulder replacement? Total shoulder replacement ( i .e. , total shoulder ar throplasty, or TSA) is a surgical procedure to replace par t or al l of the shoulder joint. After a total shoulder replacement , it can be chal lenging to perform dai ly activities. For tunately, at The Physiotherapy Center LTD. , our physiotherapist can help guide you through rehabi l itation after surgery so you can get back to your everyday l ife as quickly as possible. Shoulder replacements are a standard procedure that many people undergo, especial ly those suffering from ar thritic pain or severely damaged rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder joint. Although they are less common than a knee or hip replacement, according to the APTA, around 65,000 people have shoulder ar throplasties in the U.S. each year. If you have recently had a total shoulder replacement procedure, or you have one planned in the near future, contact The Physiotherapy Center LTD. today to find out more about how we can help you achieve rel ief and recovery. PHYSIOTHERAPY AFTER TOTAL SHOULDER REPLACEMENT


• How Physiotherapy Can Help Your Shoulders • Try This Healthy Recipe: Shamrock Shake

• 3 Tips To Ease Spring Allergies • Free Aches & Pains Consultation

(345) 943-8700

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To ensure the best resul ts fol lowing shoulder replacement surgery, it would be in your best interest to par ticipate in both “pre-hab” physiotherapy (therapy before surgery) and post-op physiotherapy. The more you prepare before your procedure, the better your recovery. Our therapists can provide you with exercises to ensure you go into surgery with the healthiest shoulder possible. Your physiotherapist wi l l create a customized program for you. This may include strengthening of the shoulder, neck, and back muscles. Mobi l ity exercises and posture training may also be part of your pre-surgery program. We will also educate you about what to expect after surgery to prepare you for the procedure. Preparing before surgery will help keep your shoulder functioning the best you can, so the procedure and the recovery are much smoother. Restoring range of motion and strength following total shoulder replacement is considered critical for a successful outcome post-surgery. Physiotherapy that star ts early after surgery wi l l offer a more rapid recovery. You wi l l be provided with information on any precautions you should take as your shoulder heals, such as wearing a sl ing or brace or l imiting cer tain activities. It is impor tant to fol low your physiotherapist’s guidance to ensure you al low for proper heal ing and optimal results. Your therapist will teach you how to deal with simple tasks, such as brushing your teeth, getting dressed, getting in and out of bed, and safely removing/putting on your sling. Early on, you will also be taught helpful tips to reduce pain and swel l ing, such as how to elevate your arm correctly or where to apply ice packs. As your recovery progresses, your exercises wi l l become more intensive unti l the function in your shoulder is ful ly regained. You wi l l be guided through a series of exercises, al l aimed at relieving pain, promoting healing, restoring motion and strength to restore your function, and preventing any fur ther damage from occurring.

education, and prescribed exercises. We use the information gathered in the initial evaluation to develop a comprehensive program that includes targeted manual techniques, mobi l ity work, strengthening, and any appropriate pain rel ief technique. Rehabi l i tat ion should star t immediately fol lowing surgery to ensure the fastest recovery possible. Once you get your shoulders moving again, there are some exercises you can do on your own, and your physiotherapist wi l l provide clear instructions to ensure you have the best possible outcome!


If you have recently received a total shoulder replacement or need it in the future, contact us today. At The Physiotherapy Center LTD. , our physiotherapists are highly trained to guide you through pre-hab and post-surgical physiotherapy so you can regain your optimal shoulder function! Sources: https://www.ncbi ticles/PMC7153202/ • https://pubmed.ncbi .nlm. • ar throplasty-replacement

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We wi l l star t wi th a post-surgical evaluat ion that includes checking your wound to ensure no infection has formed. Your therapist wi l l also ask a series of questions to determine your current status and your individual goals. Our physiotherapists are movement exper ts and wi l l help improve your qual i ty of l i fe through hands-on care, pat ient

3 Tips To Ease Spring Allergies

Try This Healthy Recipe

1. Limit your time outdoors. Each spring, trees release bi l l ions of tiny pol len grains into the air. When you breathe them into your nose and lungs, they can trigger an al lergic reaction. Staying inside can help, especial ly on windy days and during the early morning hours, when pol len counts are highest. 2. Tweak your home. Simple changes make a di fference. Shut al l windows to keep out pol len. Use an ai r condi t ioner to cool your home instead of a fan, which draws in air from outside. Take off your shoes at the door and ask guests to do the same. That keeps al lergens outside. Finally, don’t allow guests, or yourself, to smoke inside the home. It can make al lergy symptoms worse. If you or someone you l ive with smokes, now is a good time to quit. 3. Keep it clean! Be sure to wash al l surfaces regularly with single-wipe dust rags (if using cleaning rags, be sure to wash them in hot water after each use). If you find mold, use water and detergent to clean, then let it air-dry completely. Final ly, wash al l bedding once a week in hot water and dry in a hot dryer.

Shamrock Shake


• 2 bananas, frozen • 1 green apple, core removed • 2 cups water or milk (non- dairy if necessary) • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt

• 2 handfuls spinach (about 1–2 cups) • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • Honey to taste (optional)

DIRECTIONS In a blender, add all ingredients. Blend until smooth, adding more water if you want a thinner smoothie. Adjust sweetness with additional honey, if desired. Recipe:


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Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 03-31.22

3 REASONS TO DIVE INTO SPRING CLEANING! Maintaining cleanl iness has been at the forefront of everyone’s mind over the past year. Everyone wants to make sure they’re doing all they can to prevent getting sick or spreading COVID-19, and so we’ve al l been sanitizing and washing our hands like crazy! Even though you might think you’ve had enough cleaning to last a l ifetime, now that it’s spring, there’s even more of an excuse to kick your cleaning routine into high gear. Have you been looking for an excuse to help others who have been financial ly impacted by the pandemic? Many people require clothing and household items that you may have lying around.

Giving to others is an act that is associated with greater self-esteem, lower stress levels, and overal l happiness. An essential part of successful spring cleaning is getting rid of things you don’t want or need any longer. If you haven’t worn or made use of an item in the past year, place it in a box for donation. Ready to rol l those sleeves up? It ’s time to rol l your sleeves up and stock up on those cleaning supplies! Wipe down surfaces, clean out drawers, sweep under furniture, and get your household ready to bring in the new season in the healthiest way possible. Source: Cleaning, Disinfection, and Hand Hygiene in Schools – a . . › community › clean-disinfect-hygiene

Spring cleaning is one of the best ways to help us to feel fresh and new. Cleaning benefits your physical health, but it’s also been shown to improve your emotional and mental wel lbeing. After the last several months we’ve had, there’s no doubt we could al l use a morale boost! Looking for three good reasons you should get your broom and rags ready to dive into spring cleaning? Keep reading! Regular sanitization and cleaning can prevent the spread of COVID-19. The CDC websi te states: “Cleaning and disinfecting can reduce the risk of spreading infection by reducing and killing germs on surfaces people frequently touch.” Right now, this is by far the best reason to dive into spring cleaning! Make sure you’re thoroughly sanitizing surfaces that are touched often in your home or office to significantly lower your chances of contracting COVID-19. This includes counter tops, desks, sinks, door handles, and appl iances such as refrigerators and microwaves that are touched often. Cleanl iness is l inked to happiness. Having a clean home can improve your mood and reduce your risk of depression. If you’ve been struggl ing to stay positive dur ing this t ime, t idying up your home or workspace may improve your mood. Regularly dusting surfaces and making sure your home is free of al lergens can also help to improve your health as well , especially as pollen starts to show up outside! Decluttering can help someone in need. We natural ly accumulate a lot of stuff over the course of a year or so, from clothes and shoes to books, magazines, or kitchenware. At some point, you’ ll look around and realize how much you have that you don’ t even use or wear!

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