NSLHD News October 23

Clinician researchers join elite group of Australian health professionals Congratulations to the Kolling Institute’s

Executive Director Professor Carolyn Sue and Professor Peter Cistulli on their election as Fellows of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences. The pair has joined a distinguished group recognised for their leadership, personal achievements and outstanding contribution to health and medical research in Australia. Carolyn is a neurologist, internationally respected for her expertise in mitochondrial disorders and Parkinson’s disease. As a clinician scientist at the Kolling Institute and Royal North Shore Hospital, Carolyn runs the country’s largest tertiary referral clinic for patients with complex neurogenetic conditions. Carolyn is driving innovative research to improve our understanding of the genetic links to Parkinson’s disease, and a new project to improve access to diagnosis for mitochondrial disease patients. “I am honoured to be elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, joining many inspirational colleagues who I have long since admired,” she said. “I would like to acknowledge both my clinical and laboratory research teams who share this recognition with me as we work together to find better ways to improve the lives of the patients we care for.” Peter is the Director of the Sleep Investigation Laboratory at RNSH and Professor of Sleep Medicine at the University of Sydney. He is recognised nationally and internationally as a clinical and research leader in the field of respiratory and sleep medicine. Peter has made major contributions to our understanding of common sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnoea. He has pioneered therapies and contributed to a new

Prof Carolyn Sue

Prof Peter Cistulli

Please complete the Future Health online survey so we can better understand the things that matter most to you. The survey is open until 6 November, and will take less than 15 minutes to complete. Your views will help drive improvements across our health system – in the way we work, the way we deliver health services and the projects we prioritise over the next decade. A key aim for the Future Health Strategy is to deliver NSW Health’s vision for ‘a sustainable health system that delivers outcomes that matter to patients, is personalised, invests in wellness and is digitally enabled’. interdisciplinary field of dental sleep medicine, which bridges medicine and dentistry. Peter has advanced his field through his distinguished contribution to clinical practice, research and teaching. “Research is a team sport and I have had the privilege of working alongside talented researchers throughout my career. This honour is a credit to all of them,” he said. “Institutional support is also critical for success, and I thank the NSLHD for its commitment to research.”

Help shape our future health system! Work is currently underway to develop the Future Health Strategy, which looks to position the NSW health system to meet the future health care needs of our patients and the needs of our workforce.

The Future Health Strategy builds on the NSW State Health Plan, which ends on 30 June 2021, and will guide us over the next 10 years. A key part of the strategy will be identifying the ways that we can best support you to continue delivering high quality, safe and compassionate care. We can’t do this without your input.



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