Alborzi Orthodontics - March/April 2022

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235 N. San Mateo Drive, Suite 300 San Mateo, CA 94401-2672 Tel: (650) 342-4171

705 Purissima Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-1934 Tel: (650) 726-6321

March/April 2022

WE MAKE OUR OWN LUCK But Sometimes Fail to Acknowledge Our Efforts

As we draw closer to the spring season, we are also preparing to celebrate one of the most festive holidays: St. Patrick’s Day. Before you know it, our lives will be swarmed with shamrocks, all things green, and the idea of luck. Luck is an interesting concept, and it seems like there’s always a debate about whether we can make our own luck or not. Personally, I believe that we do make our own luck in most instances, but we often deny ourselves that realization. Think about the last time that something happened and you thought, “Wow, that was really lucky.” Now, think about the events that led to that occurrence. Did it happen on its own or did you do something that caused it to happen? People who depend on luck as a way of moving forward with their lives will often find themselves disappointed. There have been many instances where I wanted to be lucky and win the lottery, but it hasn’t happened yet. We aren’t just lucky when good things happen to us, though. Creating a fantastic life, career, and family can be considered lucky, but it doesn’t happen on its own. While we have the ability to make our own luck, some things are out of our control; I like to call that dumb luck. We are all lucky to live in this country where we can have lofty goals and achieve them. We don’t get to choose when or where we’re born — that’s all a matter of dumb luck. You can change this luck, though, as there are many people who were born into unfair circumstances but went on to create an amazing life for themselves. I genuinely believe that knowing what your goals are and creating steps to reach them will determine your luck more than anything else. A great example stems from my education. I did not initially go to school to be an orthodontist; I wanted to be an oral surgeon. I ended up taking an orthodontics class where I discovered my passion. I then made the right goals so that I could become an orthodontist. It was dumb luck that I took an orthodontics class and found my calling, but I created the luck that made it into a reality. Most people don’t realize that March is also Optimism Month, and I believe that luck and optimism go hand in hand. What you think is what you create, and if you have a positive mindset, you are more

likely to make strong and realistic goals. Whatever you put your focus on is

what you get; so, if you have a negative

mindset, you will probably not reach your goals. Alternatively, if you are optimistic, you can spin a positive out of just about

any scenario. Even during the pandemic, there were positives that came out of many of our lives. Sometimes you just have to flip your perspective to think about the good rather than the bad. That’s not to say that I don’t have negative thoughts. Things aren’t always perfect in my life, and I can get trapped in a negative state of mind too. When this happens, I make myself fully aware of the situation and try to shift my attention. It’s not always easy but it is possible. When it comes to luck and optimism, we are in more control than we realize. You may have to shift your point of view or look back on why certain decisions led you to where you are. You create your own luck, but if you’re struggling to find your rhythm, you may have to shift your perspective to a more positive direction. There’s always time to look for the bright side in every situation.

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Why Some Orthodontic Treatments Require Surgery

For some people who are interested in starting orthodontics, jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, may be necessary. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, up to 15% of orthodontic patients have dental and jaw abnormalities that cannot be corrected with braces and other orthodontics alone. If you’re looking to start your orthodontic treatment, you may be wondering if jaw surgery will be necessary. There are many conditions that may require jaw surgery for successful orthodontic treatment. The most common reason for jaw surgery is to correct facial imbalances such as underbites, overbites, and crossbites. It’s also used to repair a facial injury, provide relief for sleep apnea, relieve pain caused by TMJ, and even correct problems with swallowing or speech.

Jaw surgery is rarely needed for children because they are usually treated early enough that we can redirect the growth of the jaw. Once they have stopped growing, this process becomes much more difficult and surgery might be needed. The entire process can take years to complete, but it is well worth it to improve your smile while also making it healthier. In most cases, the orthodontist will place braces or other orthodontics on your teeth for a minimum of a year. This helps to level and align your teeth so they are ready for surgery. Your orthodontist and oral surgeon will work together to create a successful treatment plan for you. It typically takes anywhere from 6–12 weeks to fully heal from surgery. After the jaw has initially healed, at about six weeks, your

orthodontist will finish aligning your teeth with orthodontics.

By correcting the alignment of your jaws and teeth with jaw surgery, you’ll notice a more balanced appearance of your lower face, improved function of your teeth, health benefits, and improvement in speech impairments. Though it can sound intimidating to hear that you need surgery at first, the results can be life-changing.


A smile is a gift that lasts a lifetime! Give your friends and family a FREE gift today!

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Speed Up Your Orthodontic Treatment

With MOPs

Have you been interested in beginning orthodontic treatment but are worried about being in braces, Invisalign, or other orthodontics for an extended period of time? If this is the case, you may be interested in learning more about micro-osteoperforation, also known as MOPs. The purpose behind most orthodontic treatments is to create a healthy and functional bite by aligning your teeth and jaw position. MOPs helps to deliver results quicker with fewer office visits. It’s a process of creating small pinhole openings in the bone around the teeth to accelerate tooth movement during orthodontic treatments. This stimulates bone remodeling and allows the teeth to move faster and more predictably into their ideal positions. MOPs has been demonstrated to accelerate bone remodeling by as much as 62%, according to a study done by the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. MOPs is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that can be used with any orthodontic appliance. It can be performed in-office in just a few minutes since only a topical anesthetic is required. We numb the tissue before creating the micro-perforations in the bone. In most cases, you’ll be done with the procedure within 20 minutes and will have little to no

discomfort afterward. Keep in mind that it may need to be repeated more than once depending on the difficulty of how the teeth need to move. With MOPs, you’ll run into far fewer issues throughout your orthodontic treatment as

movement will be faster and more predictable. MOPs can be used to help fix a variety of orthodontic issues before they even arise. The MOPs technique works with your own biology by stimulating the bone surrounding your teeth. If you’re interested in MOPs or beginning orthodontic treatment, give our office a call. We pride ourselves on providing the best possible care and service to our patients.

“I was daydreaming about this soup one Sunday morning and thinking I should make it. I had much to do and didn’t have the ingredients, which required some shopping. Then, my husband walked in with a container (frommy wonderful neighbor, Susan) filled with it. Now that’s LUCK!” –Dr. Alborzi ASH RESHTEH (PERSIAN NOODLE SOUP RECIPE) Dr. Alborzi’s Recipe Faves

Laugh Out


Ingredients • 6 tbsp olive oil • 2 large onions, thinly sliced • 5 cloves garlic, grated • 1 tsp turmeric • 2 tbsp dried mint • 1/2 cup dried chickpeas, soaked overnight

Directions 1. In a large cooking pot, sauté onions with garlic for about 20–25 minutes until they are caramelized. Stir in turmeric. 2. Remove 1/3 of the onion mix, stir in dried mint while still hot, and save it for garnish. 3. Then add the chickpeas, kidney, and navy beans, water or stock, plus salt and pepper. Bring it to a boil. 4. Lower the heat and simmer half an hour. Then add lentils and cook for 15 minutes. 5. Add all the greens and simmer for 20 minutes. Adjust consistency of the soup as needed. 6. Combine a few tbsp of soup with a little bit of flour and stir it into the simmering soup. Add reshteh or linguini noodles and cook until they are done. 7. Stir in lemon juice as per taste. Mix some kashk or sour cream and the onion-turmeric- mint-oil topping into the soup, saving the rest for garnish. 8. Serve ash reshteh with dollops of kashk or sour cream and the onion-turmeric-mint-oil mixture.

• 1/2 cup kidney beans, soaked overnight • 1/2 cup navy beans, soaked overnight • 6 cups water or lamb/beef stock • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper • 1 1/2 tsp salt • 1/2 cup green lentils

• 2 cups spinach, chopped • 1 1/2 cups cilantro, chopped • 1 1/2 cups parsley, chopped

• 1 cup green onions or leeks, chopped • 1/2 cup fenugreek leaves chopped or 2 tbsp dried • 1/2 cup dill, chopped • 1 tbsp all-purpose flour • 3 1/2 oz reshteh or linguini noodles • 1 cup kashk sour cream or crème fraiche • 2 tbsp lemon juice

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235 N. SAN MATEO DRIVE, SUITE 300 SAN MATEO, CA 94401-2672

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We Make Our Own Luck PAGE 1 Issue INSIDE THIS

Why Some Orthodontic Treatments Require Surgery Referral Contest Winning at Alborzi Orthodontics PAGE 2 Speed Up Your Orthodontic Treatment With MOPs Ash Reshteh PAGE 3 Packing Tips to Save Your Back, Wallet, and Sanity PAGE 4

Leaving on a Jet Plane?

Many people are considering traveling this spring for the first time since the pandemic started. A lot has changed since 2020, but packing for vacation remains a hassle, and baggage fees haven’t gone anywhere. Here are some essential tips to keep your load as light as possible — physically and mentally. Make a list. It’s just as easy to forget things as it is to overpack. Solve both problems at once by creating a packing list in advance. Consider in detail what you’ll need, and put it in writing. As each item gets added to the suitcase, check it off. Writing everything down creates a system to prevent leaving anything behind. And when it’s all on paper, you’re more likely to notice that you probably don’t need that many pairs of sandals. Use your personal item for extra storage. Airlines generally allow travelers one carry-on bag and one personal item. The dimensions allowed vary by airline, but the general rule of thumb is that the personal item needs to fit under the seat in front of you. Don’t bring a small purse or a laptop bag when you can take a large tote or backpack. With the extra room, you can avoid checking another bag. 3 ESSENTIAL PACKING TIPS

won’t get it back that same day. So, you need to pack all essential items, like prescription medications or glasses, in your carry-on bag. Some experts even recommend tossing an extra shirt or pair of underwear in your carry-on in case your bag gets lost. You’ll be glad to have them if something goes awry. Packing smart will make for a less stressful journey. You can kick back, relax, and enjoy the trip knowing that everything you need is right there in your suitcase, and everything you don’t need is safe at home.

Never check essential items. Lost luggage is the worst way to start a vacation, but it happens. If your luggage is misplaced, you probably

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