Alborzi Orthodontics - March/April 2022

Why Some Orthodontic Treatments Require Surgery

For some people who are interested in starting orthodontics, jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, may be necessary. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, up to 15% of orthodontic patients have dental and jaw abnormalities that cannot be corrected with braces and other orthodontics alone. If you’re looking to start your orthodontic treatment, you may be wondering if jaw surgery will be necessary. There are many conditions that may require jaw surgery for successful orthodontic treatment. The most common reason for jaw surgery is to correct facial imbalances such as underbites, overbites, and crossbites. It’s also used to repair a facial injury, provide relief for sleep apnea, relieve pain caused by TMJ, and even correct problems with swallowing or speech.

Jaw surgery is rarely needed for children because they are usually treated early enough that we can redirect the growth of the jaw. Once they have stopped growing, this process becomes much more difficult and surgery might be needed. The entire process can take years to complete, but it is well worth it to improve your smile while also making it healthier. In most cases, the orthodontist will place braces or other orthodontics on your teeth for a minimum of a year. This helps to level and align your teeth so they are ready for surgery. Your orthodontist and oral surgeon will work together to create a successful treatment plan for you. It typically takes anywhere from 6–12 weeks to fully heal from surgery. After the jaw has initially healed, at about six weeks, your

orthodontist will finish aligning your teeth with orthodontics.

By correcting the alignment of your jaws and teeth with jaw surgery, you’ll notice a more balanced appearance of your lower face, improved function of your teeth, health benefits, and improvement in speech impairments. Though it can sound intimidating to hear that you need surgery at first, the results can be life-changing.


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