King's Business - 1939-12

December, 1939

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


God's View of Greatness 1 P e t e r 1:13-25 By ROY L. LAURIN Los Angeles, California

Far more time is put upon the cloth­ ing that covers the loins of our bodies than is spent upon that clothing that covers the loins of our minds. Many more millions of money and hours of effort are spent in looking good than in thinking straight. We are told to “gird up” the loins of the mind. Peter borrowed the fig­ ure from the Oriental customs and costumes of his day. The people wore large, loose, flowing garments. When­ ever a special physical effort was re­ quired, it was necessary to gird up those garments by the girdle at the loins so that there would be no im­ pediment to the activity. In a similar fashion, Christians are to be girded mentally because loose thinking will lead to loose living. What is the Christian’s girdle of the mind ? It is not his reason nor his emotions. In the Christian’s equipment for life’s warfare found in Ephesians 6, Paul speaks of “having your loins girt about with truth.” The girdle of the mind is God’s revelation. No one can think right until he thinks right­ eously. The most brilliant mind in the world is inadequate and unsafe in the ultimate conclusions of true living be­ cause of sin’s bias of the mind. That is the reason the opinion of the most ig­ norant saint who has girded up the loins of the mind with the girdle of God’s Word is worth more than the opinion of the most brilliant scholar. The intention is not to relieve us of the necessity of thinking, but to teach us to think straight. God says, “Come now, and let us reason togeth­ er” (Isa. 1:18). God reasons through His Word. God is not a Fascist who wants to do our thinking for ns; He is not a dictator and we slaves. He wants us to do our thinking with Him. If ever we needed to gird up the loins of our minds, it is now. The cults are running hog-wild. The mill trough of religious vagaries is constantly filled. The depression has filled the very air with all sorts of s t r a n g e economic schemes. We need as never before an alertness and a discernment that will be able to separate the chaff from the wheat. True greatness begins within. It be­ gins with a “girded” mind. It begins by getting into the inner sanctuary of

[This is the second article in a series of messages dealing with the Epistles of Peter. The opening exposition appeared in the November issue.~\ HE measure of greatness in our modem t i m e s is at variance with the real stature of a great life. We call a man great when he has gained fame because of some great exploit, and yet his greatness may be only meager. We call a man great because he has a Midas touch and has amassed a great fortune. We call a man great because he can write well. We call a man great because he is adept at making people laugh. But none of these standards is the measure­ ment that God sets. “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city" (Prov. 16:32). I. The Measure of a Great Life (1 Pet. 1:1-12). Greatness begins with goodness, and goodness begins with God’s place in man’s experience. That place is listed in the twelve verses that precede the ones chosen for the main part of this present discussion. The opening verses of the chapter have dealt with: 1. —God’s choice in election. 2. —God’s grace in regeneration. If any person will pass through these experiences, he will possess the meas­ urements and dimensions and propor­ tions of a greatness that will match eternity. II. The Manner of a Great Life (vs. 13-17). There are two things stated here; first, preparation, and second, separa­ tion. 1. Preparation (v. 13). This . is our relation to the inner life. It is the positive aspect of great­ ness. If we are going to live the proper life, it is going to have a definite rela­ tion to our thought-life, for “as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind.” * , 3.—God’s power in keeping. ; 4. —God’s purpose in trial. 5.—God’s design in love.

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