King's Business - 1939-12

December, 1939

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Born To James N. and Mrs. Hardie (Martha Low), a son, Alden Earl, Oct. 26, Mo­ desto, Calif. To Dick (’32) and Mrs. Hillis (Mar­ garet Humphrey, ’32), a son, John Har- ger, Oct. 14, Shenkiu, Honan, China. To Clyde and Mrs. Kennedy (Dorothy R. Goodner, ’35), a daughter, M a r y Carolyn, Oct. 21, Gainesville, Tex. To Holger Chris (’29) and Mrs. Lar­ son, a son, Dale Mitchell, Oct. 28, Mon­ terey Park, Calif. To Ransom D. (’35) and Mrs. Marvin (Erma G. Reber, ’37), a daughter, Mar­ cia Irene, Oct. 15, Los Angeles, Calif. To Claude (’37) and Mrs. Moffitt (Hazel Alsop, B. Chr. Ed. ’38), a son, Robert Claude, Oct. 15, Santa Monica, Calif. To Stanley (’34) and Mrs. Parrish, a son, Stephen Stanley, Sept. 2, Centra) Point, Ore. To Newel A. (’37) and Mrs, Stickney (Elsie C. Huntamer, ’37), a son, William Arthur, Oct. 14, Mexico City, Mexico. With the Lord Mrs. W. E. Bryan (Betty Currier), 546 Pacifib Ave., Alameda, Calif., was called Home o n ‘ September 21, after several years of ill health. She was ac­ tively engaged formerly in child evan­ gelism work and through the years has had an influential ministry in personal contacts with individuals of all ages. Mrs. Bryan’s husband and her step­ daughter, Dorothy Bryan, ’34, will value the prayers of Institute friends in their bereavement. Lavina Burkhalter, a former student of Biola who had served for nineteen years as Church Worker for Emmanuel Mennonite Church, Los Angeles, Calif., went to he with Christ on November 9. An important aspect of her work with the church was the contacting of many children for Christ. Alma K. Moss, who served for several years on the music faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and also taught dentistry in the school’s missionary course, went to he with her Saviour on October 20, after an Illness of seven years. Though prevented from engag­ ing in public work for Christ during this period, Dr. Moss found many op­ portunities to serve others through her wide correspondence and her ministry of intercession. Her son, Dr. C. Albert Moss, lives at 3600 Thorndale Road, Pasadena, Calif, i Mrs. George C. Van Dusen (E. S. ’20), after nineteen years of devoted mission­ ary service, went into the presence of Christ on October 3 after an illness of several months. She and Mr. Van Du­ sen (E. S. ’20), members of the Africa Inland Mission, had been stationed at Aba, Congo Beige, Mr. Van Dusen be­ ing Field Director for the Mission’s work in Congo Beige, and Mrs. Van Dusen having assisted him in the secre­ tarial work. Both have been supported by the Church of the Open Door.

11 Zipper Key Case w ith I d e n tif ic a tio n P o c k e t a n d 6 sw iv d l h o o k a . I m p r in te d in G o ld— JO H N 3:1 6. G e n u in e B la c k Calf * only 8 9 C Also, Zipper P o c k e t S e c r e t a r y , Genuine Leather (black)—Phil. 4:13 @ $1.00; Zipper Billfold 95c; a Key Case of Genuine Cow­ hide @ 39c, and many other items. (Send for leaflet.) SERVICE AND SUPPLIES FOR CHRISTIAN WORK 156 F ifth Avenue, New Yor k, N. Y. (Send fo r ou r “ R ad ia nt A rt Lin e” Holiday Gif t L ist of Books, Plaques, Bibles, etc. )

Gi fts for Your Su nday School Class! Christian Witness Pin! (c opyrighted design) (Ch ris tian s everywhere are we aring th em ) - Beautiful Torc h & Scroll design* 2 colors hard fire d enamel, k. Torc h is gold—Flam e is red en- ® /rv am el—Scroll w ith gold lett ers in Blue field or in White field. I ls S W ^ V S c r e w b u t t o n back or sa fety- cat ch pin. Mounted on Beautiful Boo kmar k. V j 8 No. 1—“ To Me To Live Is C hris t” v V No. 2—“ Je sus Never F ails” No. 3—“ Jes us Saves« Keeps» Sat - 350 each isf ie s” No. 4—“ Am bassado rs fo r Ch ris t”

——POLAND CLOSED — OTHER FIELDS STILL OPEN----- Since the war broke out, no word has been received from mis­ sionaries or Christians in Poland, and no money pan be sent them as yet, but we can still send money to other countries, such as Bulgaria, Rumania, Latvia, Estonia, Manchukuo and China, where the doors are still open to the preaching of the Gospel. Urgent appeals are coming to us for financial help, as they are not sure how long they will be able to preach the Gospel. Let us redeem the time, because the days are evil. Will you not help us IMMEDIATELY with your substantial gifts, that we might rush our means to missionaries and suffering Russian and Jewish Christians. Remember these needy ones in your CHRISTMAS GIVING. Send your gift to the RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION P e te r D e y u e k a , G e n e ra l D ire c to r* H e A sks Y our H elp THIS TRAGIC CHRISTMAS Illustrated Russian Gospel News Sent Free Upon Request

64 W . R a n d o lp h St.» D e p t K . B ., C h ic a g o , III*

W hat m arks of suffering t h i s Siamese leper bears upon his face! He asks you not to forget the plight of thousands of men and women like him in their tragic hour of darkness when the world is w ar- torn and the people are preoccupied with their own affairs. Y ET PITIFULLY, as in C hrist’s day, these sick and broken people w ith bod­ ies scarred, pain wracked and- deformed, seek admission and medical help from our leper colonies. Y OUR GIFT will help prevent in others such ugly disintegration of body, bring C hristian comfort in dark despair and save the untainted leper children from a living death. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one o f the least o f these m y brethren, ye have done it unto m e.”—Matthew 25:40. SHARE tOU R CHRISTMAS JOY W ITH THE LEPERS

The AMERICAN MISSION TO LEPERS, Inc. Room 5-D, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York my Christm as offering to the lepers Complete care o£ an adult,l yr.........$40 [ am happy to enclose t ----------------------- _ , , - _ . „ . , »on Complete care of a child, 1 yr. ....—$30 N a m e ... ........................................................ a hut for two people _______—----------- $20 iddress ..............................................Medicine for one year —— ....-------- $ 5 Aids Leper W ork o f all Denominations

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