King's Business - 1939-12


December, 1939


Points and Problems 1. “The Lord hath need of them” (Matt. 21:3). A number of very foolish suggestions have been made as to the need of the ass and its colt. One critic thinks the need was physical, to relieve our Lord of the fatigue of the journey! Another thinks He wanted to ride so as attract some attention! All these dis­ honoring speculations miss the point entirely. The following verse (4) tells us plainly why “all this was done.” It was to fulfill prophecy. Thus we learn that Christ was acquainted with the great Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, that He was conscious of His own Messiahship, and that He de­ liberately directed His own actions to­ ward the fulfillment of these predic­ tions. 2. “That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet” (v. 4). The prophecy is in Zechariah 9:9, “Behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having isalvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.” The manner in which our Lord consciously and deliberately, ful­ filled this great prophecy should teach us an important lesson regarding the fulfillment of prophecy. Are the predic­ tions of the Old Testament prophets to be taken literally ? Do they mean exactly what they say? How should we inter­ pret prophecy, literally or according to some “spiritualizing” scheme ? This is a very important question, and our Lord has settled the matter forever. When He sent His disciples to get the ass and its colt, Christ put the stamp of His approval on the literal fulfillment of prophecy. Why two animals? Why not the ass without the colt, or the colt without the ass? Well, the only possible answer is that Zechariah said there would be an ass and a eolt, and thus it came to pass. Therefore, when the same prophet declares that the “feet” of Messiah shall some day stand upon the “mount of Olives” (14:4), and the mount shall cleave in the midst thereof, half of the mountain removing to the north and half of it to the south, we are to believe that these things shall come to pass literally. If the ministers of Christendom would learn their "Her­ meneutics” at the feet of the Lord Jesus, they would know more about what to expect from prophecy, and there would be vastly more light among the people of God. 3. If the reader will compare the quo­ tation in Matthew 21:5 with the original in Zechariah 9:9, a very significant omission will be found in Matthew. Matthew omits the words: “He is just, and having salvation.” Why does he leave them out? There must have been some good reason because Matthew wrote by inspiration of the Holy Ghost. A careful examination of the original nronheev in its context will show that to inl'v in- eludes1 the “salvation” of the nation of Israel from all her foes and persecution.


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