King's Business - 1939-12


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

December, 1939

NOTES on Christian Endeavor By MARY G. GOODNER

PERRY ’S LUNCH ROOM and DAIRY STORE HOME COOKING Food to take out Catering to Christian people O pen 6 A. -M. to M id n ig h t S u n d a y 7 A. M. to 10 P . M. W h o le s o m e A tm o s p h e re C e n tra l L o c a tio n 617-619 W. Sixth St. (B e t. G ra n d A ve. a n d H o p e St.) L o s A n g e les, C alif. Located 20 years on Sixth St. N o liq u o r s e rv e d o r so ld

As the International Society of Chris­ tian Endeavor’s outlines for 1940 were not available when this month’s “Notes” were in preparation, a special group of lessons on “New Things” was planned for the month of January. The addition of thought-provoking discussion ques­ tions should add interest in the young people’s meeting, helping to make it an “expressional” meeting. JANUARY 7, 1940 DO YOUNG PEOPLE TODAY NEED A NEW NATURE? J ohn 3:1-21; 2 C orinthians 5:14-21 Meditation on the Lesson In an Indian village in New Mexico, the people were one day greatly agi­ tated over the news contained In a newspaper they had obtained. One of their own boys had won most of the individual track prizes at the Olympic Games, had been congratulated by the King of Sweden, and had -been deco­ rated with badges and medals. He bore away a document proclaiming him champion in the amateur contests. A crowd of losing contestants determined to" wrest his glory from him. They found that on a village team he had once played baseball for the paltry sum of five dollars a week. This practice ruled him out of the amateur class. On the basis of the rules of the compe­ tition, he was legally ordered to return his medals and relinquish his title and honors, for in spite of his excellence of performance, he had lacked one essen­ tial—and that lack nullified all his achievement. Young people of 1940—with trained minds and hands, with zeal and hope and willingness to work hard—are na­ turally striving for a place in the “champion” ranks. And they may, like the delighted Indian lad, attain such a place, with fellow men according them honor. But unless, by individual choice, each one receives the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and Lord, he or she is wholly disqualified to receive any distinction, as an absolutely just God metes it out. Christ has said, “Ye must be born again,” Apart from the New Birth, education is inadequate in preparing the young person for acceptance with God. Paul found this out, for although he was “a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee” (Phil. 3:5) and was trained at the feet of the celebrated Gamaliel (Acts 22:3), he came to “count all things but loss” that he might “win Christ” (Phil. 3:8). Read the story of

his remarkable life as found in Acts 8:13, 9:1-31; 11:22-28:31), summarized in 2 Corinthians 11:23-27. Riches also are unavailing in God’s sight. From the presence of Jesus Christ, one young man "went away sorrowful” because he put love of wealth above the love of the Lord (Matt. 19:16-22)—and since his day many have followed sadly in his steps. Let this first Sunday night of the New Year be a “beginning of days” for your group, by the grace of God. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Be­ lieve the truth! Act upon it! Rejoice! Helps for the Leader I. “How to B e B orn A gain ” Make these statements personal, as applying to yourself alone: " In obedi­ ence to God’s command, I do here and now turn from every known sin and believe the gospel that Christ died for my sins, was buried and rose again (1 Cor. 15:1-4). I receive Jesus as my Redeemer, who bore my sin in His own body on the cross. (2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:13; 1 Pet. 2:24), and who has power to forgive my sins (Mk. 2:10; Acts 5:31), as my Teacher to whom I will submit all my thoughts (John 6:68), as my Guide to whom I will commit the direction of my life (Acts 9:6), as my risen Saviour whom I will trust to keep me from falling (Jude 24) and save me to the uttermost (Heb. 7:25);, and resting u p o n God’s assurance (Acts 13:39; John 3:36), I believe all my sins are forgiven and I have eternal life (John 1:12; 5:24).—Selected. II. O mitting the O ne T hing A layman visited a great city church during a business trip. After the serv­ ice he congratulated the minister on his service and his sermon. “But,” said the keen businessman, “if you were my salesman I’d discharge you. You got my attention by your ap­ pearance, voice, and manner; your prayer, reading, and logical discourse aroused my interest; you warmed my heart with a desire for what you preached; and then you stopped, with­ out asking me to do something about it! In business, the important thing is to get them to sign on the dotted-line.” —Sunday School Times, Questions for Discussion 1. Is it possible for a young person to be sincerely convinced that he does not need a new nature? (Jer. 17:9; Prov. 16:25; Acts 26:9).

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