King's Business - 1939-12


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December, 1939

when the Holy Spirit came upon them ten days later at Pentecost (Acts 2). They had new courage, new boldness, new zeal, and they were willing to go anywhere before any crowd to witness to the risen Lord. Through the years, God has ordained that persons shall be saved by the preaching of the gospel which is “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16). The gospel is the same always (1 Cor. 15:1-4; cf. Gal. 1:6-12), but there are new ways of presenting it; and, of late years," many new oppor­ tunities offer themselves. “Highway evangelism” of various kinds is being carried on. In the Sep­ tember, 1939, i s s u e of THE KING’S BUSINESS is an article by Elmer L. Wilder entitled “The Gospel in Cello­ phane,” giving suggestions for wrap­ ping tracts in bright-colored cellophane. These tract packages are tossed from moving cars to persons on the highway or in other public places. At the New York World's Fair, a group of ministers held daily services and distributed tracts. At the San Fran­ cisco Exposition, Irwin Moon and Tom Olson, under the auspices of the Chris­ tian Business Men’s Committee of San Francisco, presented “Sermons from Science.” This exhibit and lecture uti­ lized modern scientific inventions and equipment as a most startling and con­ vincing means of presenting the plan of salvation. The object of the messages was not to use the scientific equipment to “prove” spiritual truth, but rather to arrest the attention of the unsaved and bring them within hearing of the Word of God, depending upon the Spirit of God to bring the listeners to trust Christ as Saviour. Three times a day the gospel was proclaimed to a crowded house, and thousands of tracts were distributed. Eternity alone will reveal the results. The Bible Clubs, The Miracle Book Club, The Navigators (for U. S. Navy men), Eteri, Euodia C l u b s , and The Child Evangelism Fellowship are some of the comparatively new organizations which witness for Him. Would one of these programs meet the need of some group of children or of young people whom you know? For further informa­ tion regarding these organizations, write Box 718, THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. The wars in China and Europe have opened up new opportunities for mass evangelism among large groups of orphans, refugees, flood-stricken people. In our own country, C. C. C. camps furnish new opportunities for witness to young men who respect only a straight­ forward, real message. If you are a Christian, God is surely calling you to some phase of His work. Are you ready to undertake it in His [Continued on Page 487]

Mary older

Garland'* son, Rex,

was only 18 when his letter arrived an­ nouncing his sudden marriage and home­ coming for Christ­ mas. How-could she cancel her hurt dis-

May 5th was a sacred day to Pa­ tricia Prentiss,^in spite of her social- climbing mother. But it turned to. a day of dread when Thorny Bellingham called for the answer to his. marriage proposal. J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, PMla.

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