King's Business - 1939-12


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December, 1939

Evangelistic Notices Harold and Mrs. Alexander are hav­ ing unusual opportunities for evangel­ ism among boys and girls in the South. At Spartanburg, S. C., they had a group of more than 470 children in their Bible meetings. Future appointments include the following: Nov. 12 to Dec. 3—Har­ old Smith Tabernacle, Greenville, S. C.; Dec. 5—Charlotte Bible Institute, Char­ lotte, N. C., and Dec. 10—Atlanta Bible Institute, Atlanta, Ga. The, Alexanders expect to return to California about Christmas time. Address: P. O. Box 321, Dos Angeles, Calif. L. C. Robie was the evangelist whom *' the Lord used in a gracious time of re­ vival and blessing in the Calvary Evan­ gelical Church, Ann Arbor, Mich., in October. It was gratefully reported that ' “the number of souls saved or reclaimed was equal to half the number compris­ ing the membership of the church." No Liquor Served At La Palma Cafeteria, 615 So. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, “there will never he any alcoholic liquors of any kind served,” according to statements of the proprietors. This beautiful establish­ ment, where only food of fine quality is served, commends itself to particular patrons. Please see ad on page 484. might be in their backing of reform measures. This does not mean, however, that the movement is not one with which Christians can and should sym­ pathize. When one stops to think that Mexico has had 400 years of a religion which outlawed the Word of God with its moralizing influence, whereas the United States has had the open Bible ever since the nation was founded, it- is surprising indeed to find that Mexico has produced a Government which is today fighting against the liquor traffic and gambling, while our own Govern­ ment has let down the bars to both of ■ these evils. Certainly we must admit, while recognizing the curse which Ro­ manism has been to Mexico, that there has been something wrong with our own evangelical Christianity though not with the Christ of the Bible. An Imperative Distinction As mutual acquaintance has dispelled misunderstandings and ill feeling, so also it has enlightened many an anti- religious leader in Mexico as to the dis­ tinction to be made between religion and the teachings , of Christ. They had known all too well the errors of Roman­ ism and had suspected all religious groups of the same errors, though to a lesser degree. The emphasis placed upon organization -by most of the evangelical missons and the fact that their work was often discolored by sec­ tarianism had given grounds for this CHRIST FOR MEXICO [Continued from page 459]


“by Paul Hutchens” is your best guarantee of a fine Christian story, told in absorbing fashion—each one with a thrilling plot, packed with fast-moving e v e n t s and fragrant ro­ mancé,, and'permeated w i t h religious faith and devotion. Just the thing for Christmas gifts, especially for young people. Only $1.00 per copy, postpaid. Eleven-titles to choose from: SHAFTED SUNLIGHT A stqry- qf light, and shadow In life; of darkness dispelled l?y --the dawn of faith. Paul Hutchens’ newest.. ’Ready t)ec. i. Price $1.00.


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