Jackson County COVID-19 Updates Jackson County, OR | April 13, 2021 | Press Release
B eginning April 19, all individuals 16 and older will be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. It is best not to wait on a particular brand of vaccine. Instead, people should aim to get vaccinated as soon as they can with the vaccine that is readily available to them. Currently, individuals in Phase 1A and Phase 1B, Groups 1-7 are eligible. Phase 1B, Group 7 include: • Frontline workers as defined by the CDC and the family members they live with. • People who live in multi-generational households. • Adults ages 16 to 44 with underlying health conditions with increased risk. Oregon has adopted the CDC guidance for underlying health conditions. The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is FDA approved for individuals16 years and older, and Moderna and the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccines are FDA approved for individuals 18 years and older. The Pilot Community Vaccination Center (CVC) will have the Pfizer vaccine. The official opening of the CVC will open on April 21, 2021. The Community COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic, Walgreens, and Walmart have the Pfizer vaccine. The Jackson County Public Health COVID-19 vaccination site located at the Jackson County Expo will be part of the Jackson County Pilot CVC. This is a joint effort with FEMA, the Oregon Health Authority, the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, Jackson County Health and Human Services, and Jackson County Emergency Management, with additional support from Providence Health & Services. The Jackson County Public Health vaccination site located at the Jackson County Expo has appointments available throughout this week; to schedule an appointment at this location, visit http://jcorcovid19. org/VaccineAppointments or call 2-1-1 information. Services are available in English and Spanish. Daily COVID-19 Case Data As of 12:01 am on 4/13/2021, Jackson County Public Health reports 53 new COVID-19 cases. Additionally, one
previously reported case was removed from the overall case total. This brings the total COVID-19 cases in Jackson County to 9,709. COVID-19 Two-Week Case Data For weeks 13 & 14 (3/28/2021 –4/10/2021), there were a total of 496 new COVID-19 cases. This is a case rate of 224.1 cases per 100,000 population. Masking Statewide, masks are required to be worn by all individuals at all times unless the individual: • Is at their own residence. • Is in their own personal vehicle, except when going through a drive-thru or if interacting with an individual outside the vehicle, such as at a gas station. • Is under five (5) years of age; or is under two (2) years of age and using public transportation or in • Is engaged in an activity that makes wearing a mask, face-covering or face shield not feasible, such as when taking a shower. • Is sleeping. • Is in a private, individual workspace. • Must remove the mask, face coverings or face shield briefly because the individual’s identity needs to be confirmed by visual comparisons, such as at a bank or if interacting with law enforcement. If possible, individuals should limit speaking while the mask, face- covering, or face shield is off as speaking generates aerosols and droplets that can contain viruses. • Is fully vaccinated, or is at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease and is with others who are fully transportation hubs. • Is eating or drinking.
The Business Review | April 2021
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