Stubbins Watson Bryan & Witucky - March 2021

... continued from Cover

Forward donated $2,000 to help the family cover medical expenses. When an elderly couple needed dozens of trees removed from their lawn, a local tree service in Pay It Forward volunteered to do it at no cost. The group has also donated funds for an adaptive bike and helped families update their homes to be more accessible, sometimes at a cost of over $65,000. With each action, Pay It Forward is doing more than giving back to its community — it’s creating a legacy and a foundation of people who step up to help their neighbors when times are tough. The group’s impact has been so widespread that it earned Mower County a spot on the annual “Nicest Places in America” list by Reader’s Digest, and I think that’s a worthy title. I believe the work Pay It Forward does in its community is powerful and worth celebrating. I know the residents and citizens who participate in Pay It Forward wouldn’t want much credit for the work they do, but they’re creating ripples in Mower County and setting a precedent that being a community member doesn’t mean you just live and work there. It means you help improve the lives of those around you. As small-business owners, we have a unique opportunity to do just that. I hope you’re as inspired by the small businesses of Mower County as I am, and I hope you will join me this Mom and Pop Business Owners Day and toast the hard work entrepreneurs do every day.

find yourself growing more and more frustrated by hitting red lights as you drive, try focusing on green instead. Looking for passing cars, signs, trees, or anything that is green will help break that hyper-focus and shift it from negative to positive. Soon, those red lights will be less bothersome. Meditate A great way to increase your patience is by meditating, a combination of the first two tips — focus and breathing. Meditation helps people constructively manage thoughts by allowing them to practice observing their thoughts from a neutral perspective. Regular meditation can reduce stress and improve patience throughout the day. Even just 5–10 minutes of daily practice can have a tremendous impact over time. Practice Acceptance While the above tips can help you improve your patience, sometimes you must simply accept that some things can’t be rushed. There will be times when we cannot control the outcome: A red light will change to green when it changes and no sooner. Learning to accept that can help people let go of their frustration, become more understanding of their situation, and greatly improve their patience. IMPROVE PATIENCE AND REDUCE STRESS With These 4 Tips

In this fast-paced world, it can be easy to grow impatient. Things as small as waiting for a slow website to load or waiting in a long line for coffee can sometimes leave people feeling frustrated and anxious. Practicing patience helps reduce stress and helps you realize it’s okay if something takes a few extra minutes. If you find yourself feeling impatient, here are a few helpful tips. Breathe Deeply When you feel stressed, your breathing gets shallow, which amplifies anxiety. Practicing deep breathing can help reduce stress and frustration by relaxing your body and mind. This is as simple as taking a few quiet moments to inhale through the nose, drawing your breath into the belly and lungs. Count to four to help you focus as you inhale. Then exhale slowly through your mouth. After a few repetitions, you will find that your mind and body feel calmer. Switch Focus When agitated, it’s common for our thoughts to center on the irritant. Though it may feel difficult to do when you’re stressed out, switching your focus will help you calm down and be more patient. For instance, if you

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