Howard Orthotics and Prosthetics_Running and Walking With Y…

There are several advantages of having prosthetics fitted as well as possible. You’ll expend less energy walking or running and will therefore likely be able to spend more time in a variety of activities before needing to rest. There are several specific benefits of having a proper fit. Less Pain - A minimal amount of pain means you’ll be more likely to exercise more often and accomplish more during your workout. Better Health - If a device doesn’t fit correctly there’s a greater chance of damaging other parts of the body. Improved Confidence - When it’s easier to walk, run, and move, you won’t be as self-conscious or worrying about your prosthetic. Getting Properly Fitted It’s necessary to learn how to correctly put on a prosthesis. Make sure the skin on your limb isn’t wrinkled and the device is both securely and comfortably fitted. After getting a prosthetic or orthotic properly fitted it’s important to visit a professional clinician once or twice each year for an evaluation. Keep in mind that a device may fit well with one pair of shoes but not as well with another. Call today if you have any questions we will be happy to assist you. BENEFITS OF CORRECTLY FITTED PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS

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