Sale Terms & CondiƟons Consignor’s Guarantee: The buyer is the responsible party to examine horses carefully before they bid. Each seller will be totally responsible for guarantees they make on their animals and guarantees will be made only from the aucƟon block while the animal is being sold. Absolutely no guarantee or warranty will be expressed or implied by the aucƟoneers or ring men. Effort has been made to insure correctness of the catalog and all printed material. However, employees and auc‐ Ɵoneers will not assume responsibility for errors or omissions but appreciate having them called to their aƩenƟon. Announcements in the ring take precedence over printed informaƟon. Pay close aƩenƟon to the announcements. Any guarantee is between buyer and seller and does not include any other persons. If the horse is called sound in the ring and is not considered sound by buyer, the buyer has unƟl Monday following the sale @ noon to have Sugarcreek Stockyards management inspect the horse. Sugarcreek Stockyards management will make the final decision as to the soundness of the horse. If the horse is considered unsound, the buyer will be returned his purchase price less fees. If Sugarcreek Stockyards management determines the horse not to have the alleged defect, the sale of said horse is valid and enforceable and pur‐ chaser assumes sale purchase price. ALL INTERNET PURCHASES ARE CONSIDERED SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS. - NO GUARAN- TEES . In seƩling disputes, the decision by sale management is final. Soundness does not guarantee pass of a check by any vet following the sale. Make sure you do your homework and shop the horses extensively. Ask quesƟons about disposiƟon, manners, aƫtudes, faults, riding ability, comparisons, etc. Take advantage of the Ɵme before the sale to inspect horses prior to purchasing. Once you bid on a horse, you are indicaƟng you have done your homework enough to saƟsfy yourself and no one else is responsible. The consignor of each animal represents and warrants to the buyer and to Sugarcreek Stock‐ yards to include but not limited to the following: - Title of the animal, free from all claims of ownership - If called sound in the ring to be sound of limb, wind and eyes. - Not a cribber or wind sucker If said horse is not what the consignor represents it to be, Sugarcreek Stockyards management will be the sole decider. Consignor will be expected to take the horse back and give the buyers a refund minus fees. A decision will be made based on what is best for both parƟes. Whether the buyer did their homework or not, will also be taken into consideraƟon. Liability: Buyers, sellers, and spectators are cauƟoned to exercise care while aƩending the sale and enter premises at their own risk according to the laws of the State of Ohio. Neither the owners nor any other persons connected with this sale as‐ sume any liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents to persons or property, before, during, or aŌer the sale. Sugarcreek Stockyards LLC, its principals, directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, and each and every landowner, munici‐ pal and/or government agency upon whose property this acƟvity is conducted, shall not be liable for injuries sustained by anyone aƩending the sale. Sugarcreek Stockyards, LLC. and its associates act as agents only and are not responsible for buy‐ er/seller error or misunderstanding. All guarantees are strictly between the buyer and seller. In further consideraƟon of purchasing at this sale, I agree to indemnify and defend Sugarcreek Stockyards, LLC., their agents and associates, from all injury, loss of equipment, loss of animal or damages to myself, my newly purchased animals or damages or injury to others lien property from my animals, by purchasing a horse at this sale in Sugarcreek, Ohio. By purchasing a horse at Sugarcreek Stockyards or by execuƟng this instrument, I verify that I have read the above informaƟon/terms & condiƟons in full and hereby agree to be bound by them. By bidding on and/or purchasing a horse at Sugarcreek Stockyards, I verify that I under‐ stand all terms & condiƟons and agree to be bound by them whether I read them or not. RED LIGHT - GREEN LIGHT policy. Green Light 72 hour soundness guarantee. If it travels across the pavement on Friday, it’ll travel the same way on Monday. RecommendaƟons must match the animal presented. Red Light Animals are sold AS IS. Defects may be present. RecommendaƟons must match the animal presented. Loose NO returns or rejecƟons for any reason. Absolutely nothing is stated about the animal and it enters the ring on its own. Buyers of any animal are responsible for injury or death once the gavel falls - for any reason . · ALL issues must be brought to aƩenƟon by Noon Monday . Sellers must leave a halter on all lighted animals. Sellers are responsible for all recommendaƟons. PharmaceuƟcally altered animals ARE NOT allowed. ‼* ALL vision/eye or wind issues, cribbing and wind sucking MUST be called in the ring on all recommended (lighted) animals whether stated SOUND OR NOT *
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