Light Pole
Garland Pole wraps
A Branched Mountain Pine PoleWrap 12” X 15' Unlit 12” X 20' Unlit 12” X 25' Unlit 12” X 15' Lit* 16” X 15' Unlit 16” X 20' Unlit 16” X 25' Unlit 16” X 15' Lit*
16” X 20' Lit* 16” X 25' Lit*
12” X 20' Lit* 12” X 25' Lit*
*Lit with 5mm LED Mini Lights
B Unbranched Natural Pine PoleWrap 7.25” X 15' Unlit 7.25” X 20' Unlit 7.25” X 25' Unlit
C Colored PVC PoleWrap 6” X 15’ Unlit 6” X 20’ Unlit 6” X 25’ Unlit
All pole wraps available in custom widths and lengths.
6 colors available!
Ornaments are a great way to create a festive daytime effect!
Add ornaments!
Ornamented pole wraps can be lit or unlit.
Holiday Elegance
Traditional Holiday
Candy Cane
Pole wraps are a great way to enhance your holiday decor program.
Add lights to let your decor shine both day and night.
Down town Dec oration s, I nc. 309 Wav el S treet S yracu se, NY 13206 877 - 36 9 -6332 in f o@ down town dec oration s.c om
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