

Retired education exec wants school board merger FRANCIS RACINE

English Catholic school board as well as the French and English Public School board) and transforming them into two separate Public entities, the province could save ten per cent of its education budget. “The province’s budget for education is usually at around $23 billion,” he explained. “They could therefore save a massive amount of money that could be used else- where.” Although so far his message seems to have fallen on deaf ears, the determined man has no intentions of giving up. “So

CORNWALL | As both a respected author and retired superintendant of education with the former SD&G County Board of education, Ken MacLennan is a respected authority when it comes to education. The Cornwall resident is therefore on a mission: to gather support for the reorgani- zation of the funding provided to the prov-

far, I was quite sur- prised by the recep- tion I received from the Catholic school board as well as the Catholic teacher’s federations, he said, smiling. “They are the ones who have

ince’s four school boards. He’s even willing to present his candidacy in the next provincial elec- tions as an indepen- dent in the hope of bringing further at- tention to the issue.

Will the budget continue to ignore the approximately $2 billion savings that could be exacted over time...? Ken MacLennan

been nicer and have actually responded to my inquiries. They were extremely polite about it.” According to MacLennan, the only way his idea will ever come to fruition is by gar- nering support from individuals of Roman Catholic beliefs. “We should remember the Golden Rule,” he highlights in his press release. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

“Ontario is scheduled to table its budget on May 1,” he states in a news release. “Will the budget continue to ignore the approxi- mately $2 billion savings that could be ex- acted over time if Ontario reorganized the current four school systems into two pub- lic school systems, or will Ontario’s citizens continue to bear the brunt of the govern- ment’s attempt to rein in the deficit ?” MacLennan strongly believes that by merging the four school boards (French and

Photo Francis Racine

Ken MacLennan stands in a conference room at the Best Western on April 24, prior to his presentation. The Cornwall resident announced that he plans to run as a provin- cial independent candidate if the subject of the re-organization of the four school boards is not tackled during the next scheduled Provincial Budget.




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