Professional February 2024 (Sample)


“Lean on me when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on” Bill Withers



Welcome to 2024, payroll, pensions and reward professionals! I hope you managed to have a good break over the festive period and that January went smoothly for you all. This issue’s theme is ‘ call on me ’. Now, I


automatically think of the Eric Prydz song and that video. But we’re looking specifically at how payroll professionals can draw on the strong, close-knit payroll community which has been built up over the years and how you can use the CIPP, your membership organisation, to make the most of the benefits available to you. Help like this can be crucial if you’re struggling with a complex query or trying to get your head round the latest legislation updates. We hear from the amazing Advisory Service team on page 40, as they tell us what it means to them to act as that extra member of your payroll department, and we also hear from the CIPP’s longest-standing tutor on page 42 about just how rewarding teaching and inspiring payroll professionals is. Also, flick to page 34 to hear from a subsidiary of the CIPP, IPP Education Ltd, on the successes and challenges of being an end point assessment organisation over the past 12 months. There’s so much going on! As we head into the new year, this issue’s ‘hot topic’ piece centres on something we all need to be vigilant to, and that is mini-umbrella company fraud. Be prepared and ensure you’re aware of the warning signs to protect your organisation, by turning to page 56 now.


Lora Murphy MCIPP ( Editor

34 - EPA with IPP Education – one year on By Leigh-Ann Hart


40 - Your Advisory Service: here for you By the CIPP’s Advisory Service team

42 - Why I love being a CIPP tutor By Sandra Lingwood

56 - Hot topic – mini-umbrella companies and the employment allowance – tax avoidance or payroll fraud? By Justine Riccomini

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| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 97 | February 2024

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