Sunday sweat session for would-be firefighters They marched into City Hall, 21 strong, ready to take the written exam in their quest to become members of the
shoulders ached, then negotiated their way in the dark through a “maze tunnel” with various bits of debris and wire traps ready to tangle them up if they lost their cool and panicked. The drills all simulate the kind of working conditions !re!ght- ers have to handle. The !nal cut will see nine new additions to the volunteer !re department roster for Clarence-Rock- land.
Clarence-Rockland Fire Department. A baker’s dozen moved on next door to the Rockland !re station to suit up and then sweat buckets in the cool Sunday air as they ran back and forth lugging coils of hose, walloped away with a sledgeham- mer on a big old rubber tire until their
Being a !re!ghter takes a lot of muscle, and endurance, to not just handle but also carry both the equipment and the heavy protective gear the job demands. About a dozen would-be recruits to the Clarence-Rockland volunteer !re!ghter roster learned just howmuch work is involved during a Sunday tryouts session.
Impliqué dans la communauté depuis 1997
M. Yves Paris, propriétaire deTim Hortons Rockland, en compagnie d’un jeune joueur de hockey Tim Bits
Photo Gregg Chamberlain
O"er ends December 20, 2014. *Financing Available OAC. **Free delivery within 50km.
Cette o"re est valide jusqu’au 20 décembre 2014. *Financement disponible sur approbation de crédit. **Livraison gratuite dans un rayon de 50 kilomètres.
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