King's Business - 1944-08


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

♦ Whiskers on the Chin, and a lew days later when the missionary passed on his way home and s t o p p e d at thehogan, he found the door opened far enough to let him in. When he went inside, he told the wonderful story of the Saviour who had come from His home of glory to die fo i the sins of Spot of Whiskers on the Chin (as well as for the sins of all of us) and thus make ft possible to come into his heart and make a new m a n - new, because the life of God, eternal life, would oome into his heart. : After hearing the wonderful story a number of times, Spot o f Whiskers on the Chin became a Christian. A _ dear brother once told of the great change made by the coming of Christ into a Navajo’s life in this way: “I did not want the Christian Way. It was no usé to me.-1 was strong in the way of the Navajo. But a seed was dropped into my heart. I said, ‘It cannot grow; these great boulders of Navajo superstition in my heart will, crush' it,’ I kept away from the missionary, but somehow I heard the Story’ again, and it seemed as if someone stirred the ground about the ■seed with a stick. ‘Maybe it will grow,’ I said, ‘but what a poor, crook­ ed thing it will be among these great boulders!’ Someone poured water upon it, and it began to swell, and grow, and came up so strong that it pushed those great boulders of sin aside and— here I am, a Christian!” What a change being a Christian made in the home of Spot of Whiskers on the Chin!- The sad little mother was no l o n g e r sad; the ragged, hungry children were well fed and dressed, and soon the girls were sent to a Mission school, where they too received Christ as Saviour and Lord. One of the girls chose the pretty English name of “Alta.” When her school work there was finished she traveled to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, determined to learn more about God’s Word and how to tell the story of His Jove to her own people. Now, back at the Mission and working in a large hospital, she has been spending her days at the bed­ side of sick Navajos who come there from’ many miles around, telling them the story of Jesus and how will­ ing He is to save lost men and wom­ en, g i r l s and boys who will con­ fess their sin§, turn away from them, and receive Him into their hearts as Saviour. While those dear people lie on beds of pain waiting to be made well again, the “seed” falls into their hearts; it is watered by prayer, and it grows. And then—there are more Christians. God still is seeking “little things” : humble people and their gifts with

which to work His wonders. He will use anything, from a glass of jelly to —you. If you have not already done so, •first receive His Great Gift—the Lord Jesus Christ — as your Saviour from the sin in which you were born, which separates you from God; then lay yourself entirely in His dear hand£ to do with jdst as He shall choose; then when we all stand before Him, you will find He has worked miracles more wonderful than you could dream of—and worked them through YOU.

Here’s Your Answer The answers to last month’s Bible Tree Puzzle are found below: .1. Algum (2 Chron. 9:11). . 2. Palm (Psa. 92:12). 3. Cedar (2 Chron. 2:3). 4. Shittim (Ex. 25:5). 5. Sycamore (Lk. 19:4). 6. Fig (M^tt. 21:19).-- 7.. Olive (Rom. 11:24). 8. Pomegranate (Cant. 4:13). 9. Myrtle (Isa., 55:13). 10. Almond (Eccl. 12:5). 11. Bay (Psa. 37:35). 12. Mulberry (1 Chron. 14:15), 13. Apple (Cant. 2:3). 14. Willow (Lev. 23:40). 15. Oak (2 Sam. 18:9). 16. Nuts (Cant. 6:11). New K. Y . B. C. Members FRESNO, CALIF.: Andrew and Arline Guesorra; Elmer and Paul Hembree; Marvin and Wesley Holley; Mary Lou and Raymond Scott (Mrs. UL C. King, leader), HEALDSBURG, CALIF.: Altha Wilson (Grace Robbins, leader). XEN IA, O .: W ilma Jean Goodwin; Billy Haines; Lois Ann June; Mary Elinor, Rich­ ard, and Tommy Johnson; Marylee Queary (Miss Rachel Hartman, leader).

This is station KYBC, the Know Your Bible Club, broadcasting to all K.Y.B.C. members. The following list of things suggests certain Bible characters or Bible stories. Choose the correct names from the, second column and match them with the things suggested in the first column. 1. An ax that swam. Samson 2. A coat of many colors. David 3. Five smooth stones. Peter 4. A lion killed on a snowy day. - Aaron 5. A man who bore a mark which could not be erased. Moses / 6. A stick that came alive. - Abraham 7. A rod that blossomed and bore fruit. Rahab 8. A ladder that reached to heaven. Balaam 9. The man who lived longer than any other man. Joseph 10. A man who had neither father, mother, brothers nor sisters. Elisha 11. A donkey which talked. Enoch 12. A man who went to heaven without dying. * Cain 13. ' A man who entertained angels. Lot’s wife 14. •A woman who turned to salt. Adam 15. A fish that paid the taxes. Asahel 16. A thousand slain tvith the jawbone of an ass. Methuselah 17. A scarlet thread. ' Jacob 18. A man who was “as light of foot as a wiid roe.” Benaiah

Answers to K.Y.B.C. Quiz 1. Elisha (2 Ki. 6:6), 2. Joseph (Gen. 37:3). 3. David (1 Sam. 17:39, 40). 4. Benaiah (1 Chron. 11:22). 5. Cain (Gen. 4:15). 6. Moses (Ex. 4:1-3). 7. Aaron (Num. 17:8). 8. Jacob (Gen. 28:10, 12). 9. Methuselah (Gen. 5:27). 10. Adam (Gen. 2:7). 11. Ba l aa . n i (Num. 22:28). 12. Enoch (Gen. 5:24). 13. A b r a h a m (Gen. 18:2). 14. Lot (Gen. 19:26). 15. Peter (Matt. 17:24, 27). 16. Samson (Judg. 15:16); 17. Rahab (Josh. 2:1, 18). 18. Asahel (2 Sam. 2:18).

Hew to Join the K. Y . B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel accord­ ing to John, using either your own Bible, or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read and a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business, a K. Y. B. ,C.’ pin will be mailed. Sunday- school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord di­ rects: Gospels, postpaid five cents each— in quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King’s Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif,.

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