King's Business - 1944-08

ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 1128 Black Building 357 So. Hill Street

A conductor...

Phone MUtual 5092

Los Angeles 13, Calif.

winning souls for Christ Not so unusual . . . it’s just that he knows his Bible well enough to help people find Christ. . . . Knowing his Bible was no accident . . . he let Moody home study courses make it easier . . . “ I am still working on the railroad . . . preach at the county jail practically every Sunday, and have had 36 pro­ fessed converts in the past five months!’ Would you like to know how to lead others to Christ, like this conductor? A Moody home study course will help you, too. For details write Dept. K821



by Ironside Laidlaw

and other Great Soul-winners • Send for our big FREE catalog of the Best in Christian Literature. Receive also book and information of this 30-year faith work, active in serving Armed Forces and others. Outstanding Christian Bookstore on the Pacific Coast. Prompt service. Write TODAY . WESTERN BOOK & TRACT CO ., Inc. I)ept. KB. 1119 Franklin St., Oakland 12, Calif.

II Tune In "THIS IS LIFE Refreshing, restful Saturday nights, 10:30 C.W .T. K X E L . . . 50,000 watts . . . 1540 kc Conducted by Paul Hutchens, novelist and author o f the Sugar Creek Gang books W rite to-d ay for your free copy of Paul Hutchens' story, “ H is Handicap Came In H andy" — Address T H IS IS L IF E Box 717 Waterloo, Iowa LABORATORY OF DEMOCRACY C HORES never hurt a boy. They teach him to respect manual labor. They give him a feeling of responsibility for the welfare of the group. When all boys In a school have their chores to perform, the work program teaches certain fundamental lessons in democracy. At Stony Brook all boys — those from homes of larger means and those on scholarship — make their own beds, take turns waiting on table, share in the care of the dormitories, help clean classrooms and campus. The boys may know that to an extent they are helping to release men and wom­ en for the war effort and that whatever saying in cost is effected is used for ad­ ditional scholarships to aid able but needy boys. This program is worthy of your inter­ est and support. Perhaps you have a son to educate and want him under whole­ some influences. Perhaps you wish to con­ tribute to the education of boys who need k the sound Christian e d u c a t i o n Stony Brook provides, but whose families cannot afford the moderate tuition fees. The Headmaster will be glad to give you more informa­ tion. tomjBrookJchool Frank E. Gaebelein, Litt.D., Headmaster Stony Brook, Long Island, New York Please Mention K in g ’ s B u sin ess



Write today, for FREE P R O S P E C T U S by STANDARD Describes what Daily Vacation Bible School is and does, its cost, organization plan, teacher staff and training, equipment, courses; includes samples of Standard’s TRUE-to-the-BIBLE lessons for each grade (Kindergarten, Pri­ mary, Junior, Intermediate); and describes Standard’s supplemental material. DVBS provides marvelous opportunities for bring­ ing vitally needed Christian instruction to children in wartime. Get ready NOW for this summer’s work! Ask for your copy of free Prospectus today.______ Dept. KB -8 The Standard Publishing Co. 8th ond Cutter Streets, Cincinnati 3, Ohio [CHRISTMAS CABPlI f f i O BeautifulJb/JersSfg $ y % With and without Scripture texts. Can ship at once. Also big line of Bibles, Testaments. Books, Every- day Cards, etc. Send 65c In stamps j l g r for sample of 30 cards. WESTERN ART STUDIOS. 257 So. Spring St.. I> oh Angeles 12, Calif. Dept. 88-W

A m . assured ««y regular z ttc o T fte i s sttc/ L & 2 > i& sfifty Thousands receive their checks regularly at statedintervalsbecause they hold Annuity Agreements of the American Bible Society. This REGULAR INCOME brings comfort and freedom from worry about the future. The Annuity Agreement plan is simple with a two-fold advantage. First: —It pro­ vides steady income for protection in old age. For over 90 years, Annuity Agreement checks have never failed. Second: —You en­ joy knowingyou are helping make the Bible morewidely available throughouttheworld. UA Gift That Lives9,9a booklet explaining the plan, will be mailed at once if you will Bible House, New York, N. Y. Please send me, without obliga- tion,booklet KB-^entitled“ A GiftThatLives” Name. 1 Address 1 Denomination 1 rjfa 1__ send your name and address. -----MAIL COUPON TODAY ——] AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY

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