King's Business - 1944-08

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


the days of Saul (cf. v.2). Because of God’s appointment and David’s own ability, they were eager now to have him' as their king. Third, the p e o p l e acknowledged David’s sovereignty oyer them, and “they anointed David king over Israel” (v. 3). It had taken over seven years for them to come to this position, but at last the united kingdom was estab­ lished under David, according to the Lord’s, purpose. In a coming day, the One of whom David is merely a type will come to earth again; this time to be received, recognized, and ac­ cepted as the rightful King over all peoples. The lesson for us is one of patience whiie we wait, as David did, for the fulfillment of God’s promisee. III. T he K ingdom E stablished at J erusalem (5:4-10) * Jerusalem was "the city of the great King” (Psa. 48:2) chosen by God as the headquarters of His kingdom upon the earth; but it was held and gov­ erned by the Jebusites who defied both the Lord and His chosen king David. The marginal reading explains this passage. The Jebusites, even though they knew God had anointed David to be king, refused to permit him to enter the city. With scorn they said to David, “Thou shalt not come in hither” (v. 6), implying that if he tried ter do so, even the "blind and the lame” would suffice to defeat him. “ Nevertheless, David took” the city, and the blind and the lame, “ that . . . hated .. . David’s sou?” were destroyed. Thus will it be also when the One who is greater than David shall come; all who hatp Him will be overthrown, and He will be supreme over all. From then on, David “grew great, and the Lord God of hosts was with him” (v. IQ). God was with him be­ cause he was with God; this is the truth for us. Points and Problems 1. "1 also will requite you this kindness, because ye have done this thing" (2 Sam. 2:6). One of the sure evidences that David was a man “after God’s own heart” is the lack of venge­ ance in his heart. Again and again Saul had tried to take his life, but David never retaliated. Then when Saul dead he sought to honor the memory of his enemy and to show kindness to those who had respected him (as in this case) and to those who were of his household. (See his treatment of Mephibosheth in chap­ ter 9.) 2. "Thou shalt feed my people Is­ rael" (2 Sam. 5:2). Literally, it should read, “Thou shalt shepherd my people Israel.” This is the first time in the Scriptures that a ruler is likened unto


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c. shepherd. The metaphor sets forth what should be the character of every king or president. He should not be a dictator or autocrat, but rather one who always seeks the best interests of his subjects even as \a shepherd does for his sheep. How miserably many rulers today fall 'below this standard! How wonderfully the ideal will be manifested one day when the King of kings and the Lord of lords will reign over the earth! •. ; . 3. "And king David made a league With them in Hebron before the Lord" (2 Sam. 5:3). The phrase, "before the Lord,” occurs many times in this book, and shows the posture of David’s soul. It was toward God. Happy are those who in all their work, words, and associations live “before the Lord.” t 4. "Nevertheless Da v 1d took the stronghold of Zion" (2 Sam. ¡5:7). This was the first recorded act of David after his being crowned king of the whole nation. The stronghold was supposed to be impregnable. In the days of Joshua and the Judges they failed to occupy the site (Josh. 15:63; Judg. 1:21). Men said it was impos: sible to take the city. But with God and faith, all things are possible. Thus David moved into Jerusalem. T\vo things are now quite generaHy conceded among civilized qnd even semicivilized peoples. The first is that God rules among the kingdoms of the earth; that He presides over and con­ trols the destinies of nations. The sec­ ond is that those nations that are righteous God exalts, while those that are sinful become a reproach and aré. destroyed. To a sinful nation it can be saidj in the words that were on the walls of a ■wicked king’s palace, “God hath num­ bered thy kingdom, and finished it” (Dan. 15:26). The history and doom of every sinful nation is expressed in the words of the prophet: “The nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted” (Isa. 60:12). The fact is that the holy people are the Jiappy people, the prosperous people, the people that are to have a length- Golden Text Illustration P s a l m 125:1 7

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