August, 1944
ened and happy history.— A Modem Cyclopedia of Illustrations, by Hallock. King David's New House 2 S amuel 5 MEMORY VERSE: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father” (Jas. 1:17). AIM: To think about some of the good gifts that God gives. APPROACH: When we say, “I re ceived a lovely gift today,” usually we
9:15). He wants to be our Friend and Saviour.
Now in Colori
The Famous Manual of
Object Lesson P eo ple a n d P e n c il s
OBJECTS: Two pencils and an iron bolt about the same size as the pencils. LESSON: James, see whether you can break this pencil. “Sure, that’s easy.” - Yes, it is quite easy for you to break it. It was easy for Satan in the gardep of Eden to tempt Adam and Eve and to win a great victory over the human family. It was quite easy for Satan to tempt King Saul and cause him to do things that were contrary to the will of God. Not only was Saul's life taken, but his kingdom was destroyed also. I am going to place this other pencil by the side of this strong bolt and see whether James can break it. “Of course not; who could?” If we let this bolt remind us of the
Visual Teaching fer the Flannelboard
You can now ioaoh tho International Sunday Softool Lesson on your flannelboard from beautifullycoloredcutouts. Savesmanyhours ofpreparation. Cutoutsenable youto holdthe interest by combining wordwith action. All drawings required are in the manual with simple! easily understood instructions. Issued Quarterly at an Amazingly Low Price»-*$1.50* Handwork for Pupils to Accompany Manual»« 12c Per Set» OtherFlannelboard LessonsandAccessories for Boot} Purpose • Catalog Free. Send 10c for ComgLeta SamplesofSundaySchoolQuarterliesandFaPeh. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATION^ Inc. 1507 N. Third Street. Harrisburg, Pa.
think of something that is in a box, and wrapped with pretty tissue paper. But a friend can be a gift, too. K i n g David f ound that was true. LESSON STORY: For a t i m e , the Lord’s people were
in two groups, and at first David was king of just one group. But soon peo ple in the other company began to be friendly toward him, and they said they wanted him to be their leader, too (vs. 1-5). David was glad for these many friends. They helped him when he went into the city of Jerusalem where he found some people who did not want him to be king. These enemies thought that if they stood against him, he could not come into the city. But the king and hisTriends were trusting the Lord, and the Bible says that “David went on, and grew great, and the Lord God of hosts was with him” (v. 10). His enemies could not stop him. David had one special friend, a ruler whose country was near by. The man’s name was Hiram, king of Tyre. Hiram w a n t e d to do something nice for David, so he “sent messengers . . . and cedar trees, and c a r p e n t e r s , and m a s o n s : and they built David a house” (v. 11). Probably Hiram sent these supplies on camels’ backs. Perhaps D a v i d watched them coming — load after *load o f precious wood, and many men to do the work. David knew that it was "the Lord" who had made him “ king over Israel” (v. 12), and who had given him all that he had, in cluding the friends who were so kind to him. There is another Gift, the best Gift of all, the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor.
’A hospital auditorium mooting at Camp Sholby. A littlo pleasantry often opens the way fo r tho Gospel message. Insett N ote sober, earnest faces in this after• meeting, addressed by the Chaplain and P.TJL. worker. “AbleTo Keep!” T HE Gospel meeting was over. Here and there little groups
“Who only can save you?” — “Jesus.” “And who only can keep you?” — “Jesus.” “Then will you trust him to save and to keep you?” — “I will!” Together the two menknelt, theyounger one trembling with the conflicting emotions surging within his soul. Then, rising, the lad registered his newlymade decision, signing joyfully on his P.T.L. Card— “I accept Christ.” The next day, visiting him in his barracks, the team secured permission to hold a brief Gospel service for this entire company. At the tlose of a similar meeting in a California Camp , a chaplain remarked: " / . wish toe had more programs like this. Plenty of the other kind; but this is what we need/* The P.T.L. New York headquarters were opened in 1916 at the present address. We urge your prayerful partnership in this ministry of salvation. Made possible by the cooperation of God*s people. Write for free illustrated quarterly to Dept. K8bb
of soldiers were discussing earn estly with P.T.L. personal workers the great question of their relation ship to Christ. One of the lads, when asked to take Jesus as his personal Saviour, replied he had often been urged to do so, hut was afraid he could not hold out. Under the Spirit’s guidance, the worker read verse after verse in the little Testament. “Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost —” (Hebrews 7:12). "He is able to keep that which I have committed —” (2 Tim. 1:12). “Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling—” (Jude 24). Showing how able the Saviour is to save and to keep.
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