King's Business - 1944-08

August^ 1944


God’s greatness had been manifested in bringing Israel from JSgypt by means of both blood and power. Hence, because of what God had done, and of what He promised to do in the future, the nation w i t h which He worked was also great (v. 24). To be blessed of God, any nation m u s t acknowledge that whatever greatness it has is derived from the greatness of God. Third, David’s prayer contained his recognition of the Lord's purpose (vs. 25, 26). The Lord had promised cer­ tain things, and David added holy boldness to his humility when "he im­ plored: "Do as thou hast said" (v. 25). That is the way to treat all of God’s promises. David knew that the answer would come, not merely for his sake, nor the sake of the nation, but for the Lord’s glory: that “ thy name be magnified for ever,” so that all would acknowledge "the Lord of hosts is. the God over Israel” (v. 26). Instead of first seeking its own glory, the nation that would seek first the glory of God would find its prosperity and glory increasing. This exp l ana t i on may sound “utopian,” but the history of Israel clearly reveals its truth. When Israel wholly sought the Lord’s glory, she expanded and grew strong; when she forsook the Lord, she became weak, and fell the victim of her enemies. All the promises of God are exceedingly wonderful in their ful- • fillment. Fourth, David’s prayer ends with a plea for the Lord’s blessing (vs. 27-29). Once again David reminded the Lord of the promise, and declared it had stirred him to offer the prayer (v. 27). “Therefore,” because of the promise, "hath thy servant been bold [R. V. marg.] to pray this prayer.” In spite of the greatness of the promise and the unworthiness of the petitioner, David declared his assurance: “Thou art God, and thy words are truth” (v. 28, R. V.). The fulfillment would not de­ pend upon David’s worthiness, nor upon the worthiness of the nation, but upon the power of God to make good His own Word. Finally, there was a last plea for that by which any nation may rise to greatness, and without which any nation, whatever outward appearances might be, will be poor and weak: “With thy blessing let the,house of thy servant be blessed for ever” (V. 29). In the measure in which the blessing of God is accepted and His will so'ught, any nation—Jew or Gentile—will be­ come great. Points and Problems 1. "So did Na t ha n speak unto David" (2 Sam. 7:17). How did Nathan speak unto David? He spoke in exact accordance with the revealed will of God. In a vision God had spoken to

Nathan. The word for “vision” is derived from the'same root as the word “seer.” A “seer” is one who has seen or had revealed to him the Word of God and who then faithfully declares it. Nathan becomes an example for all those who handle the Word of God. 2. "Then went king David in, and sat before the Lord" (v. 18). The atti­ tude of David upon learning the.divine will concerning his life is that of sub­ mission and worship. Nothing but yieldedness is to be seen now in all that he does. Happy are those who follow David in submission to God’s will. Instead of seeking the presence of the Lord when they know His will, many flee from His presence and thus bring sorrow and reproach to them­ selves. 3. "But thou hast spoken also of thy servant's house for’ a great while to come" #v. 19). Here is an.illustra­ tion of the generosity of God. He had already done great things for David. But what has already been done is only an earnest of what He shall yet do for him and his house. This applies equally ivell to the Christian. “Hither­ to” the L o r d has done marvelous things for him. But it does not begin to appear what the Lord “henceforth” will do for His redeemed ories. 4. "What one nation in the earth is like thy- people, even like Israel?" (v .23). This v e r s e sets forth the uniqueness of God’s people Israel. The Scriptures, from beginning to end, show that Israel is different from apy nation on earth. It is God’s earthly nation with a history that will persist continually even as the church is God’s heavenly nation established to set forth the praises of the Redeemer. In < the future, God’s distinctive purposes for His earthly and His heavenly peo­ ple (cf. 1 Pet. 2:9) will be more clearly revealed. When W. L. Watkinson, of England, was in this country, he intimated that he considered the outstanding feature of American life to be the presence of school children laden down with their books. He said: “Your flag is always flying f r j m the school buildings, and your national anthem is constantly on the children’s lips. The parents have come from every land, but the children seem conscious of being Americans.” However, America’s true greatness lies in the fact that the nation has honored God and His Word in the past. Let America take heed for the future!'No nation can endure unless it exalts Him who has promised light and glory to all those who ask. Golden Text Illustration I s a ia h 60:19

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