King's Business - 1944-08

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


any we can give to Him. His best Gift of all is our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. We think of Him when we say our Memory Verse.

—Adapted from, A Modern Cyclopedia of Illustrations, by Hallock. King David's Wish 2 S amuel 7 MEMORY VERSE: “Oh that men would praise the Lord for his good­ ness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” (Psa. 107:8). AIM: To present Christ, God’s most wonderful Gift to us. APPROACH: “No one can,beat Father at giving!” John shouted, as he looked

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at all the presents h e h a d received. “We ca.i think of the nicest things to give to Father, but he gives even bet- te, ones to us, al­ ways.” King David, thinking about his heavenly F a t h c , must hswe felt that

Object Lesson H e l p fo r t h e H u m b l e

OBJECT: A capital “U.” (Make two “U’s” out of cardboard, about • four inches across and six inches high. Put the points together, making a large cipher. Join them together with a piece of white paper which completely covers both. Fold the white sides together, giving 'the appearance of a “U.” Color one side of the “U” black and the other side gold.) LESSON: What is the matter with this “U” ? “It is brack, suggesting sin.” Yes, it is a sin to be proud. The sinner always wants to exalt himself. This is the reason Christ said, “For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth him­ self shall be exalted" (Lk. 14:11). in 1 Peter 5:6, we read, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.” This black “U” reminds me of proud people who are trying to exalt «themselves. [Hold the “U” in the right hand with the fingers toward the audience.] If the sinfter is ever to please God, he must be cleansed and humbled under the hand of God. We see what happens when a proud sinner accepts Christ as his Saviour. [Drop the “U” beneath the hand, allowing it to be­ come a white cipher.] It is changed from a black “U" to a white cipher, as the sinnei a'dmits that he is nothing. This humble cipher reminds me of King David. In 2 Samuel 7:18 we read, “Then went King David in, and sat before the Lord, and he said, Who am I, O Lord God? and what is my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?” David was humble i,- the presence of God. God has promised to exalt those who are humb!c. This is what happened to David. [Lift the cipher above the hand with thumb toward the audi­ ence.] The “U” is now gold, speaking of glory. David was exalted to a place of glory because he was humble in the presence of God. If you are saved and willing to be nothing for Christ, you will be exalted in due time.

way, too. * LESSON STORY: David, loved the Lord so much that he wanted to make a gift to Him. He longed to build a house, or church, for God. “Why, look at me!” he said in words like these, “I have a good house, made of cedar wood. The L o r d’s house should be as fine—and finer—than mine, for God has given me many blessings” (vs. 1, 2). The Lord knew that it was love in David’s heart that made him say that, and He was glad. But the Lord answered like this: “D a v i d , I will build you a house. I mean I will see to it that when you are no longer king, your son shall be king, and in that way your family or house, shall go on for a long time. And David, your own son shall build the house that you thought about building for How surprised and thankful David must have felt! (Read aloud, slowly, v. 22.) The Lord wanted David to know—and He wants us to know, too —that His gifts to His people are always much more wonderful than

Be s t Wi s h e s from W. A. BROWN

O u r Chance to W in Russia fo r Christ Russia is the greatest missionary field in Europe. When the Lord opens the doors, there will not be enough evangelists- to send out to preach the Gospel to the hungry Russian souls, unless you help us to prepare missionary workers by supporting THE ONLY RUSSIAN BIBLE SCHOOL IN U. S. A. which is In Minneapolis, Minn. A number of Russian students are being trained there to go out and bring Russian souls to Christ. All those who see the Russian Fields white unto harvest are entreated to pray for the laborers. Support your prayers with your generous gifts, for this work requires haste. Funds are also needed for Russian Bibles and Gospels. Send your love offerings to the . . . RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, INC. 1844 W. Monroe St., Rm. 2 ,Chicago, 12, Ml. In Canada: 106 Winnett Ave., Toronto, 10, Ont. Ask for sample copies of “ The Friend of Russians“ Rev. F. J. Miles, International Secretary

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