August, 1944
27 9
George M. Cowan
Buth McCreery
Morena H. Downing * Richard W. Hightower
Chr i st ian Endeavor
SEPTEMBER 3, 1944 H O W TO M E E T A CRISIS E p h e s ia n s 6:10-18; P h il ip p ia n s 4:13 - By Richard W. Hightower . A child may be bom into a wealthy home and thus become the possessor of good parents, brothers and sisters, houses and lands, but at the time of his birth the main point is not that he be informed of all these wonder ful things. There are other important matters which must be taken care of first. He must be fed; he is hungry and needs to grow. He must be protected, for he has been born into a world of many enemies. In the hospital room he is handled with sterilized gloves and kept from outsiders, that he might riot fall Victim to any of the myriads o f germs waiting to attack him. You have become a child of God; you have been bom as a babe into His family (1 Pet. 2:2; cf. Acts 20; Pisa. 119:9, 11). The devil knows that you are no longer his property, but that you belong to the One who has "bought” and paid for you “with a price,” the price of Calvary. There fore the adversary will attack. Satan’s attack assumes many forms, but we wish to speak of some of the most common ones, and to help you to resist this deadly foe successfully. For Those Who Have Topics I; THE CRISIS OF THE NEW LIFE IN CHRIST. Satan’s first approach is to cast doubt upon the work which God has wrought in your heart. Although you will not hear the devil’s audible-voice,
he will whisper to your heart: "You don’t think you are saved just by be lieving and receiving Christ, do you? Surely that is not enough to have your sins blotted out, and to gain entrance to heaven!” What will your answer be? Your only hope in meeting such an attack is to resort to God’s Word. What does
God say about, the matter? The fa miliar verse, John 5:24, provides us with the assurance of salvation. Once this verse is written on the tables of your heart so that you are thorough ly convinced that you have passed from death unto life and have ever lasting life by believing, you will have victory. This attack, of course, may
Mr. Hightower (Biola ’39) is East Coast Director of the Navigators Christian Service Men’s Organization, with headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. This service, com bined with three years’ experience in similar work in San Diego, provides him with a rich knowledge of young people. Mrs. Downing (B. Chr. Ed. '40 at Biola) sponsors a Service Women’s Christian Fellowship in Washington, D. C., where young women may study God’s Word, meet other Christian servicewomen; and relax in the delightful home atmosphere. Miss McCreery (Biola ’36) has worked in close relation with young people as Dean of Women for five years at Westmont College, Los Angeles, Calif. A number of sum mers have been devoted to high-school and college camps and conferences. Mr. Cowan is a member of the Wycliffe Bible Translators in Mexico, and is working among the 55,000 Mazatecos in Oaxaca. Previous to this, he served in Texas under the Young Life Campaign, a missionary organization to reach high-school youth for Christ.
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September'17—RUTH MCCREERY
September 24—GEORGE M. COWAN
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