King's Business - 1944-08

August, 1944


ables us to love our neighbor.) God does not want service that is duty- driven, but rather that which is energized by love. Beware of a bar­ gaining spirit! Do not serve the Lord with a view to personal- benefit gained by His blessing. Peter once exhibited that kind of attitude and the Lord re­ assured him of the manifold reward that was to be his (Matt. 19:27-29). If you would make His heart rejoice, serye Him with all your heart, soul, and mind just because you love Him (1 Pet. 1:8). Ill, THE CONSEQUENCE. “All these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). God cannot lie (Tit. 1:2; Heb. 6:18), and He is faithful to His promise. The believ­ ing soul who puts Him to a test finds that He adds the all things in the manner of Ephesians 3:20. Hudson Taylor’s venture of faith into China Without human backing was looked upon .by .some as being foolhardy. He quietly replied to them that he was taking with him his small children and as a father he was not likely to forget that they needed food. And then he added, “Am I a better father than the Lord?” Child of His, your “Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.” Obey Him, believe Him, put Him first in everything, and then enjoy watch­ ing Him add all things. SEPTEMBER 17, 1944 CH R IST IAN E N D E A V O R A T ITS BEST M atthew 5 :48 ; 1 C orinthians 15 :58 , By Ruth McCreery In all of the Christian’s relation­ ships, God desires the best we can give. He does not want end we ought not to be content to give mediocrity in our lives, in our service, in the use of our talents, or in any other phase of our walk or work. He asks us to “ seek that ye may excel” (1 Cor. 14:12), not for the gratification of our own selves (Jer. 45:5), but for the glory of God and the edification of the church. What a testimony it would be to the world if all Christians were excelling Christians, ever am­ bitious to give and to d o .their .best for the Lord! 1; Suggested .songs: “Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us,” “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah,” and “Give of Your Best to the Master.” 2. Prayer: That God may show us as a society what Christian En­ deavor is at its very best. Having recognized this principle that God desires our best, let us think of what our Christian Endeavor so­ ciety ought to he at Its best.

For Those Who Hove Tòpici t PERFECT IN LOVE (Matt. 5:48). Our love is to be perfect, complete, embracing our enemies as well as our friends, even as the love of God is manifested to the wicked as well as to the righteous. What a standard! How impossible apart from letting His love flow through us (2 Cor. 5:14)! II. STEADFAST (1 Cor. 15:58). ' This characteristic is needed espe­ cially today — steadfastness in our


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