TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
3. How can we receive the most from the use of hymns and music? 4. What makes a good discussion? 5. What is the best kind „of a re sponse from the participants? - 6. What are the qualifications of a' good Christian Endeavor leader? 7. What’ will be the maximum through-the-week program for the so ciety? Conclusion Have the service close with a note of consecration at which time each individual asks God to so control and work in his life and in his work with in the society that God will be glori fied both in individual jives and iii the society as an organization. The hymn, “Have Thine Own Way,” may be sung before the silent prayer of consecration. SEPTEMBER 24, 1944 R ECRU IT ING A N D T R A IN IN G LEADER S M a t t h e w 4.:18-22; 10:37-39 By George M. Cowan Leaders are not those who do some thing for God, but those with whom God does something. E. M.' Bounds has well said: “God’s method is men: The church is looking for better methods. God is looking for better men.” God uses men, but the men whom God uses must be men after God’s own heart. Recruiting such men, God looks not’ at their “ability” or “personality” (thé world’s criteria), but on their teach ability and devotion to Himself. Men marveled at the leaders of the early church “that they were unlearned and ignorant men”* (Acts 4:13). Theii only and sufficient qualification was that “they had been with Jesus.” Training such men was not done by the stereotyped methods of mass-pro duction common today. God’s leaders are hand-tooled. (Read Eph. 2:10.) God deals in originals, not copies. Let us see what the requirements are for His leaders. For Those Who Have Topics I. ENTHUSIASM FOR THE LORD. There must be enthusiasm, not for C. E. primarily, not for a program, not for getting people out, but for the Person of the Lord Jesus Himself. Christ’s first requirement of the twelve was not that they should do some thing, but “that they should be with him” (Mk. 3:14). No amount of recom mendation, no natural ability, no amount of schooling or number of degrees, not even years of experience,' will ever qualify one as a leader unless first of all there be a wholehearted desire to piease Him who hath chosen” him to be a leader (2 Tim. 2:4). t
faith, in our witness, in our “manner of life,” in our devotion to Him. Only thus can we stand amidst uncertain ties and perplexities, without wavering or falling. III. UNMOVABLE (V . 58). We are to be as firm as the giant boulder which remains unmoved by human strength or mechanical force. Our present and future hope and se curity are found in Christ. The earthly outlook is always uncertain. Money, work, plans, friendships, even health may be changed in a moment.. He alone can always be depended upon (Heb. 13:8). IV. ABOUNDING IN GOD’S WORK (v. 58). We are not to be idle nor lazy as Christians. Neither are.we to be weary with welldoing, nor discouraged when the way is hard, nor down hearted when alone and not under stood. His command is "always," no matter what the difficulty or circum stance, "to abound/' go forward, con tinue in laboring for Him. Note the motive for this.: “Your labor is not in vain 'in the Lord.” For. the Leader As we have just seen the type of Christian God desires, shall we, not prayerfully and earnestly bring the whole life and program of our so ciety under scrutiny that we may thereby improve it so fhat it will be used more to aid young people in realizing these characteristics in their lives. The following questions should be assigned in advance to various indi viduals who will come prepared to discuss them briefly. 1, What is worship at its best? 2. What is the best use of jthe Bible in our society?
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