King's Business - 1944-08

August, 1944


I need Thee every hour; Teach me Thy will; And Thy rich promises In me fulfill.


—Annie S. Hawks.

11. Wonderful Compassion “When he saw the multitudes, he was moved” (Matt. 9:36). He is able to be “touched with the feeling of our infirmities.” The word “ touched” . . . means that our trou­ bles are His troubles, and that in all our afflictions^ He is afflicted . . . As the mother* feels her babe’s pain, as the heart of friendship echoes every cry from another’s woe, so in heaven, our exalted Saviour is suffering in His spirit and even in His flesh with all His children. “Seeing then that we have a great high priest . . . let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace.”—A. B. Simpson. 12. Genuine Radiance “Moses wist not that . . . his face shone” (Ex.' 34:29). Spiritual beauty is loveliest when it is unconsciously possessed . . . Spir­ itual communion alters the fashion of the countenance. The supreme beauty of the face is its light, and spirituality makes a face illumined. The face of Moses was transfigured by the glory of the Eternal. But “Mos­ es wist not that . . . his face shone.” That is the supreme height of spirit­ ual loveliness.—J. H. Jowett. 13. Power in a Name “If ye shall ask any thing in my hame, I will do it” (John 14:14) t Have you discovered the Dower that lies in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ? Supposing a man comes to you and says, JT am the’ son of a multi-millionaire. My father has given me executive control of all his wealth. I will give you a card which will in­ troduce you to the president of a cer. tain bank: This card has on it iny signature, and will instruct the banker to place at your disposal any sum of money which you may need. The only requirement will be that you present your' requests in my name.” That, in a spiritual sense, is exactly what Jesus Christ does for the be­ liever.—Milo F. Jamison. 14. The Fact of His Presence “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:20). It is not the sense of His presence, if is the fact of His presence that is our strength and stay. And yet it is com­ forting when a mother makes some little sign or speaks some word to a child who does not see her. When our Father deals so tenderly with us, then we are very humbly grateful, and. we store these memories in our heart Still, when there is not any feeling, we rest oh His bare Word and are content. —Gold by Moonlight

“H e died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, hut unto him which died for them and rose again."

Here is a challenge to live for Christ, to work and witness for Him. The fields for Christian service are numerous, but train­ ing is necessary... Will you pay the price of preparation? T H R E E -Y E A R D IP L O M A C O U R S E S : . F O U R -Y E A R D E G R E E C O U R S E S : General Bible Theology Christian Education Christian Education Music Music Registration for Fall Semester. . . September 5, 6 T H E B IB L E T H E O L O G IC A L S E M IN A R Y The Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 SOUTH HOPE S T., LOS ANG E LE S 13, CA L IF.

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15. Stepping Stones “The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepul­ chre” (John 20:1). The stone was removed. This inci­ dent illustrates many experiences' in our common life. We worry about dif­ ficulties and obstacles that lie in our path and seem to block our progress. But when we move on obediently, and come' to the place of the supposed hinderance, it is gone. We ought to learn that when God sends us any­ where, He intends to make it possible for us to go. The d i f f i c u l t i e s and obstacles may be stepping-stones by which we shall rise to higher things. —Alliance Weekly. 16. Jesus Marveled •“When Jesus heard it, he marveled; and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel" (Matt. 8 : 10 ). Jesus is not reported to have mar­ veled at the architecture of the temple, or at the discipline of the Roman army, or at. the knowledge of the rab­ bis. He wondered only twice, at the unbelief of His fellow-townsmen, and at the^ faith of the centurion. We ought not to be engrossed with the wonders of science, art, creation, or of providence. The marvels of g r a c e should occupy the very highest place in our estimation. —The Christian Herald.

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