King's Business - 1944-08

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Question Box Questions for answer in this depart­ ment should be sent to the Editorial Department, THE KING'S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Q U E .: W ere the original manu­ scripts o f the Bible preserved? Is the ifirst Bible in existence, and i f so, where is it? W ere the books o f the Bible chronologically ar­ ranged? The original documents of God’s Word, the writings of Moses, David, Daniel, etc., are no longer in existence. However, since authentic historical records show that the translating and copying of these writings were done with the most painstaking accu­ racy, even to the point of extreme per­ sonal sacrifice, and since our modem Version has been minutely compared with the authentic manuscripts and found to be accurate, we can have con­ fidence that our Bible of today is the inspired Wqrd of God. Among the manuscripts conceded by authorities to be accurate copies of the original writings are: the Sinaitic, the Vatican, the Alexandrian, and an important recent discovery, the Chester Beatty Papri. The Sinaitic and Alexandrian manuscripts are in the British Museum, and the Vatican is in the Vatican in Rome. Copies of these may be found in many-of our large libraries. To John Wycliffe goes the credit for the translation into English of the first complete Bible in manuscript form. This translation is in the British Museum. Thé first printed Bible was in English, and was done by Miles Coverdale in 1535. The books, as we find them in our Bible of today, are arranged accord­ ing to subject matter, rather than as to the chronological passing of time. Q U E .: In the light o f Scripture, what should the Christian woman’ s appearance be as to the matter o f hair style, dress, make-up, and jewelry? The woman who is born again s h o u l d exercise great care in the matter of her personal appearance; for, to some extent at least, she may thereby either attract the unbeliever to her Lord, or else divert his atten­ tion frorii the Saviour. God must delight in beauty, for He has furnished the world with so much of it, But God’s variety is. always najtural and wholesome and without artificiality. [ Continued on Page 287]


set up housekeeping in one room. Such is the high cost of living in China! From Ed and Mrs. Fisch (Laura Woosley, ’30), located in Kuyuan, Kansu, China,- c o m e s this thrilling story: “Recently we sat down to do business with the Lord. We had reached the bottom level in our supplies, and our condition was beyond human help. We took a notebook and on one side wrote a long list of needs such as coal, wheat, eggs. On the other side we wrote one word, ‘Answers.’ After two weeks of prayer, the answers began to pour in. The Lord used Moham­ medans., Chinese, and others from different parts of the world to answer bur material needs. Some time later, Mr. Fisch became ill with a high fever and serious throat infection. Again in answer to prayer, the Lord sent to our door twelve American soldiers who were looking for a place to stay. Among them was a doctor, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, who gave to Mr. Fisch the very best of medical aid. That night the young men set up their radio and we missionaries were able to listen to San Fran­ cisco. Truly the Lord is good!” Virgil Hpok, B. Th. ’40, rejoices in his privilege of preaching the cross on the Tibetan border, “not where Christ was named.” He says: “The Tibetans are a tough lot, but I feel certain that God has some fruit to be picked from among them. I have become country doctor, doing anything up to minor operations. Pulling teeth — painless, oh, my no — I give no anesthetic and out they come! However, the real medi­ cine is for the soul. Pray that more workers might be released soon, for this neglected field.” For other Family news of in­ terest, turn to page 288. Because of Calvary,

We are praising the Lord for various -messages received from members of our Family in far away China. All are experiencing isolation from the news of friends and loved ones, but are tlianking God for direct contact with the Throne of Grace. Florence Hardy, ’27, of Shiu Chow, K w a n g t u n g , S. China writes: “DO you realize what it means to be cut off from the whole world? I do not receive any mail, and have received only one month’s salary in six months. But praise God, He is still oh the throne and He never fails!” Doris Lum tells of her work with the China Native Evange­ listic C r u s a d e in Kweiyang, Kweichow, Free China: “The aim of this movement is to send out Chinese missionaries to do pio­ neer work in the unevangelized fields, to establish and build up churches, to hold revival meet­ ings, and to open a Bible School for the training of young people. We feel that more and more, the Chinese church should take on the responsibility of propagat­ ing the gospel to their own peo­ ple.” -This spring Miss Lum an­ nounced her engagement to Mr. John Lu and planned to be married at the end of July. It was e s t i m a t e d that $20,000 in Chinese national currency would scarcely enable them to

Alumni President.

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