King's Business - 1944-08

August, 1944


There is one rule to follow: it is found in 1 Corinthians 10:31. If the Christian woman w i l l ask herself— and will be honest in her replies—“ Is this truly for the glory of God?” she will find her p r o b l e m s practically solved at once. We are told in Titus 2:10 that we, believers, are to “adorn the .doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.” The word “ adorn” means to make beauti­ ful. Thus, to make Christ and His gospel beautiful to those with whom she comes in contact should be the aim of every Christain woman. It be­ comes the measuring rod -for her dress and decoration. The thought is not that she is to make herself beautiful, so that others will exclaim over her loveliness, but that her attractiveness shall cause others to exult in Christ’s beauty shining through her. To achieve this true spiritual beauty, the believer is to “love not the world, neither the things of the world.” (1 John 2:15). The title of this book- Is gained from the first of eleven evangelistic- revival sermons that have been wide­ ly used by the author and are here In permanent form. Each message exposes sin and man’s utter hopeless­ ness, and also God’s holiness and plan of salvation. These messages are Biblical in content, logical in argu­ ment, convincing in appeal, and am­ ply illustrated out of the life of the author. Other subjects treated are: “ Amer­ ica Gets Back Her Scrap Iron,” which deals with individual and nal onal sin and retribution; “The Backs1 der,” showing how God never gives rp His own; “The Master Is Come, and Call- eth for Thee,” showing the uni*, srsal- ity of the gospel call. 191 nages. Sword of the Lord Publishers, Whea­ ton, 111. Cloth. Price $1.00. The five chapters of this booklet are filled with fascinating sketches of some of Christ’s migsipnary soldiers who have obeyed His command tp witness unto the “ uttermost parts of the earth.” They are records of those who, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, have s u f f e r e d More Than Conquerors By Blanche Sydnor White, When Skeletons Come Out of the Closets! By John R. Rice

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D r. F ra n k H . Guernsey OPTOMETRIST

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412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill

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Los Angeles, 14

Some people think one’s piety is evidenced by the wearing of out­ moded styles.. All that this practice does is to prove that the wearer is calling attention to himself—an evil against which the Bible continually gives warning. We note in 1 Timothy 2:9, 10 that women are to dress in "modest ap­ parel,” that “which becometh women professing godliness.” See 1 Peter 3: 1-4. We are told also that a woman’s hair is her “glory,” and she should so regard it (eft 1 Cor. 11:6, 15). If the child of God feels the need of wisdom in these matters, the truth of James 1:5 is ever available to her. cold, starvation, torture, and death for the gospel’s sake. In particular, the writer deals with the establishment and development of a Christian testimony by the South­ ern Baptist Church in practically every country of the world. 81 pages. Broadman Press, 127 Ninth Ave., N., Nashville, Tenn. Paper. 25 cents. From the author’s p r e f a c e we quote: “We need ‘medicine’ occasion­ ally for the ‘healing’ of the soul, but we cannot thrive on medicine alone. On the other hand we need food con­ tinually, to nourish us, that we may ‘grow in grace.’ This little book goes forth, not so much that it may search the conscience as that it may feed the soul.” The author has accom­ plished his purpogp. Out of his mis­ sionary experience in the Solomon Is­ lands, where he learned complete de­ pendence upon God, he has shared with the Christian church his medita­ tions upon the Word of God. . There are twenty-one studies here, gathered under these headings: “The Son of God,” “The Cross,” “The Par­ aclete,” “The Apostle to the Gentiles,” “The Believer,” and “The Sequel.” This book should take its place with the great devotional literature of t/6 church, and ought, now, among Chris- We Beheld His Glory By Northcote Deck

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