TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
sinners; in carrying this good news we need the power of Christ’s resur rection, we need faith not only in the seed but in the soil, and we may use every possible method to d r i v e the one message to the conscience of the hearer.” The first six chapters deal with the message itself. There are also six chapters on motive and approach, with two>concluding chapters on the messenger’s, resources and power. 125 pages. Revell Co., New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $1.50. Minding Your Church’s Business By Leonard M. Spangenberg In twenty chapters that are as fasci nating as those of a best seller, the writer discusses the business of the church in a thorough, practical, de tailed fashion. The material is not theoretical; it is the result of experi mental knowledge gained by the au thor in church administrative positions and in his eleven years of association with the Babson Statistical Organiza tion. V The church staff, the budget, the parsonage, insurance, c h u r c h loans, equipment, missions, and the young people’s place in the church are only a few of the problems discussed. A valuable contribution to the adminis- .trative department, this book might well be in the hands of the pastor and of the governing b o a r d of every church. .142 pages. Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo. Cloth. Price $1.00. Herbert Bess, B. Th. ’44, and Ruth Downs, ’42, June 23, Alameda, Calif. Oral A. Kintner and Eunice Olson, ’43, June 2, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born To Peter J. (B. Th. ’39) and Mrs. Becker (Gertrude Schroeder, B. Chr. Ed. ’39), a daughter, Jeanette Irene, June 30, Salem, Ore. To David (’42) and Mrs. Giltner, a daughter, June 8, Inglewood, Calif. To Robert and Mrs. Isensee (Beth Cingcade, ’40), a daughter, N a n c y Jean, May 12, Wilmington, Del. To Newton and Mrs. Kapp (Doris Blackwell, ’31), a daughter, Carolyn Adele, June 18, Covina, Calif. To L. A. and Mrs. Pedersen (Mary Turpin, ’36), a son, John Lawrence, Feb. 26, Brownwood, Tex. Wanted Carolyn McCormick, ’42, en route to Nigeria, W. Africa, under the Sudan Inferior Mission, is in need of a kero sene refrigerator in good condition for use on the field. Kindly contact Paul London, c/o Sudan Interior Mission, 156 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N. Y. BIOLA FAM ILY [ C o n tin u ed fr o m P a g e 286] Married
tians, to be a best seller. 178 pages. Loizeaux Brothers, 19 West 21st St., New York 10, N. Y. Cloth. Price $1.00.
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