King's Business - 1944-08

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LIBRARIES OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS AND Sets purchased tor cash. W rite Baker’s Bookstore, 1019 W ealthy St., Grand Rapids 6. Mich. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hym n-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and printed. New booklet. Poetic Metre—Explained, 25c. Est. 1918. Raymond Iden, (K B ) Mount Vernon, Ohio. W E PAY CASH FOR PA RT IA L OR COM- plete libraries o f religious books and sets. Send list. KREGEL ’S BOOKSTORE, 525 Eastern Ave., S. E ., Grand Rapids 6, Mieh. CARTOON GOSPEL TRACTS. 31ST MIL- lion. 1000-$1; 400.6-$3. Assorted. Samples 16c. E. A. Marshall, 753 Fairview Ave., Kalama­ zoo. Mich. Lecturer on Bible customs. SEND YOUR BEST NEGATIVE FOR 8x10 Glossy enlargements, only 40c; 5x7 Glossy enlargements only 25c. B ox 583, Mt. Horeb, W is. Distributor o f soul - winning books, plaques, and cards. EARN BEAUTIFUL W H ITE BIBLE OR Testament selling Scripture stationery, 25c packet. Samples free. Providence Press, 1218 Virginia, Sioux City 19. Iowa,

JOHNBROWN SCHOOLS JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY— Academic, Vocational and Bible College "America's first university of vocational specialization." 5000 watt radio station, airfield. All industries of small city used in laboratory training. Siloam Springs, Ark. JOHN BROWN ACADEMY High School. Academic, Vocational. San Diego, Calif. BROWN MILITARY ACADEMY Sulphur Springs, Ark. BROWN MILITARY ACADEMY OF THE OZARKS Junior School and Junior High School. Junior School and High School. "In the beauty spot of the West." Non-profit John Brown Schools are accredited and definitely evangelical their doors open the year around to America's finest youth. Address individual schools or JOHN E BROW N , LL. D., President, SILOAM SPRINGS, ARK. Junior School through Junior College, separate units on beautiful campus. Highest official War Dept, rating. Glendora, Calif. BROWN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS

* * * * * * * *

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T W O VOLUM ES of "50 Progressive Messages O n the Second Coming of Christ"— 100 subjects, 1,000 pages— from Genesis to Revelation, every subject fk//go0nfSèhyrf- vkaify /n/Dt.fflcßiime-He/mcitiedfva/ige/M, Bible Teacher, Successful Author, Radio Personality. Millions have marveled at his grasp of the Bible— found comfort in his teaching, and in the help and encouragement he gives from the pulpit.

Stimulating material to help you deliver that ser­ ies of sermons on the Second Coming, or to teach your Sunday School Class the truth of His Return. Subject:

Subject t 43. The Two Witnesses. 46. Armageddon.

or Post-Millennial—Which? First Resurrection or Rapture. Wedding and Marriage Supper.

1. Pre- 2. The 3. The 9. The 11. The 12. The 13. The 14. Anti- 16. The 19. The 21. The 23^ The 29. The 32. The 39. The

57. Set-up of Christ's Government. Result of Christ's Comma in the Air.66. New Heaven and New Earth. € Things Accomplished by the 7Yrs.71. The Sheep. Goats and Brethren. Anti-Christ. 72. The Two 144.000's. Seven Heads and the Ten Horns. 73. The Gathering of Gentile Nations 76. The 1.000 Years Reign of Christ«

ROBERT HARKNESS Presents . . . Two Co rrespondence Courses 1. EVANGELISTIC HYM N PLAYING For Piano and Organ Teaches TW E L V E M u s i c a l Subjects. E IGHTY m usically-illustrated lessons. If you can already play hymns and gospel songs, send today fo r new free Prospectus. TH REE THOUSAND students have enrolled. 2. BEGINNER'S H YM N PLAYING COURSE For Piano F or those who cannot play a note but who wish to learn to play hym ns and gospel songs. Children can also study this course under hom e supervision . . . N ow enlarged to F IFTY lessons w ith special HARKNESS KEYBOARD CHARTS . . . Send for FR EE booklet to ROBERT HARKNESS P. O. Box 204, South Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A.

i-Christ Killed and Resurrected. Biography of the Anti-Christ. False Prophet. Reason for the Mark of the Beast. Reason for the Seven Seals. Reason for the Seven Trumpets. Reason for the Seven Bowls. City of Petra.

79. The Three Heavens. 83. Angels of Heaven 86 . Biography of Satan. 87. Lost Angels. 91. Satan's Angels. 93i People on the Earth Before

New Heaven and the New Earth.

“ I thank our heavenly Father every day that I was raised in a Chris­ tian home, which had a roof of prayer, supported by two staunch pillars of prayer, my dear father and mother".

McBIRNIE PUBLICATIONS ASSOCIATION P. O. Box 267. Norfolk (1), Va. Enclosed please find $3.00 for your two volumes of books, namely. “Fifty Progressive Messages on the Second Coming of Christ", and “Fifty Pro­ gressive Messages from Armageddon to New Earth". NAME _______________ _________________________________



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