King's Business - 1944-08

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


One Sailor's Testimony By LE ROY ALLEN, CY, USNR

In a personal letter, the writer of the accompanying message had this to say to the Editors of THE KING’S BUSINESS: “ I want so much to speak a word for my Lord! Will you take the enclosed testimony — cut it to pieces, scrap most of it — but try to

find one sentence that will convince the reader that ‘they that go down to the sea in ships. . . these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.* ” . . . Reading this, who w o u l d n o t be “ convinced”— and grateful.

I T IS TRUE that life In the Navy subjects a man to temptations and “siftings” he never would en­ counter in his orderly, civilian walk. But it is true also that where sin a b o u n d s , grace does much more abound. It has been my observation that wherever there is one Christian, there are two — except when God is certain that the one can stand alone. The Lord will not permit His Child to be tested more than that one is able to-bear. If the surroundings are be­ yond his spiritual strength to endure, God will send him help. “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for t h e i r labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow” (Eccl. 4:9, 10). I have found this verse to be true—and “I speak what I do know, and testify to those things that I have seen” (cf. John 3:11), On several occasions during the past two years I have been at sea from two to eight weeks without setting foot on land. On a small ship like a destroyer there is no chaplain, and for a while I knew of no other Christian on board. It was at such times as these that I learned how many are needed'to travel the “Jericho road,” as the old song puts it: “Just Jesus and you.” Some blessed Hours were passed in my duty station, the ship’s office, at night after the ship had quieted, as I sat with God’s Word open before me and read what He had to say.

To the Christian parents who are sending their sons into military ser­ vice, I have this to say: “In that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succor them that are tempted” (Heb. 2:18). What to Do Your duty to your loved ones is to pray for them, to hold them up con­ stantly and without faltering, to pray effectively in the power of the Holy Spirit. In ancient times, cities were be­ sieged, and were defended from the walls. Often thè defenders themselves would make a foray from thé city. They would open the gates and charge the encircling enemy with spear and sword. At such times, those who stayed inside the cit? would man the walls and would pour a rain of arrows over the heads of their brethren, into the ranks of the foe, and thus aid in the victory to be accomplished. You people Who are “staying by the stuff" in these days have that same obligation. We cannot win the battle against sin without you, and a “con­ science void of offense” is the best medal any soldier can wear. It has been my blessed privilege to be the object of prayers offered by many persons who have made my spir­ itual welfare their daily concern. My wife, who led me to the Lord ten years ago, has built a hedge around me with her prayers só that evil “should not come nigh” me. When I left home, I took along a small Testament in which

my wife . had written these words, found in Isaiah 50:7: “For the Lord God will, help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.” The Lord God has helped me. He will help every one who puts his trust in Him. Christian young man, do ypu want to remain true to the Lord while in the service? Then will it With all your heart and soul. “Whoso takes but a step to God Through doubtings dim, God will advance a mile Through dazzling light to him.” Parents;- loved ones, do you want this dear one of yours to be held stead­ fast in his faith? Then pray for it. God will see that it is done. Victory • When Simon Peter was taken in the snare of the tempter, the prayer of Christ rent the fneshes of the encir­ cling net, and led His servant out into liberty. Let us take heart from this incident, so that, when temptation darkens around us, we may cry to the Strong One for strength. He will pluck us out of our distresses. He will guard us from stumbling, until we are pre­ sented faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. —David M. McIntyre.

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