August, 1944
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LOUIS T. TALBO T ’s life s t o f y which has a p p e a r e d in this magazine in eight stimulating chapters entitled “When God Saved the Brewer’s Boy,” is be ing published as a beautifully illustrated book.
80 pages Art cover 18 illustrations
B ECAUSE of the national paper shortage, a limited n u m b e r of these books will be printed. They will be offered FREE to persons who send in t w o * y e a r subscriptions to THE KING'S BUSINESS. The regular price of this magazine (in U. S.) is $1.50* a year. Two-year subscriptions are $2.00* each—featur ing a substantial saving. ' If you will send in two two-year sub scriptions (new, renewal, or extension) and■$4.00, you may have Dr. Talbot’s life story without charge. Orders are taken now; delivery will be made about November i, in plenty of time for Christmas. If you wish, subscriptions will be entered as Christ mas gifts, beginning with either the Christmas issue, December 1944, or the January 1945 number, as you desig nate. As a service to yourself and to your government, why not avoid the Christ mas rush and take care of your gift giving in this easy way?
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