King's Business - 1944-08


August, 1944

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LOUIS T. TALBO T ’s life s t o f y which has a p p e a r e d in this magazine in eight stimulating chapters entitled “When God Saved the Brewer’s Boy,” is be­ ing published as a beautifully illustrated book.

80 pages Art cover 18 illustrations

B ECAUSE of the national paper shortage, a limited n u m b e r of these books will be printed. They will be offered FREE to persons who send in t w o * y e a r subscriptions to THE KING'S BUSINESS. The regular price of this magazine (in U. S.) is $1.50* a year. Two-year subscriptions are $2.00* each—featur­ ing a substantial saving. ' If you will send in two two-year sub­ scriptions (new, renewal, or extension) and■$4.00, you may have Dr. Talbot’s life story without charge. Orders are taken now; delivery will be made about November i, in plenty of time for Christmas. If you wish, subscriptions will be entered as Christ­ mas gifts, beginning with either the Christmas issue, December 1944, or the January 1945 number, as you desig­ nate. As a service to yourself and to your government, why not avoid the Christ­ mas rush and take care of your gift­ giving in this easy way?

*A,dd *5 cents for each Canadian and foreign subscription. r THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, Calif. Enclosed find $4.00 for two 2-year subscriptions at $2 each (regular price $1.50 a year). Send THE KING’S BUSINESS to each of the two' following names: 1. Name ... Address Send FREE COPY of the book, FAITH FOR THE F A M I L Y (“When God Saved the Brewer’s Boy” ) to:

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