health is an investment, not an expense. We combine precision and anti-aging medicine with the most advanced regenerative and preventative therapies. We offer the most in-depth and bio-individual healthcare possible. We combine precision/anti-aging medicine and biology upgrading. Your team's entire health journey is overseen by our highly qualified medical professionals, including our regenerative and functional medicine MD with over 20 years of experience, along with our nursing and health coaching staff.

why investing in prevention and health optimization matters for your company.

When you optimize your team, you optimize your business.

According to Harvard Business Review, on average, for every $1 employers invest in healthcare intervention, they save $6 in healthcare, absenteeism, and overall productivity. Lack of sleep alone is estimated to cost individual employers at least $1,967 annually per employee due to loss of productivity and focus, plus additional healthcare costs. These losses at work cost U.S. companies around $136.4 billion dollars a year. In 2010 the health of our country was also markedly better, so it is safe to say that these costs have significantly risen. Making a commitment to improving your employee's overall health will not only improve morale and retention, but also will impact your bottom line.

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