Driver Shortage (Cont’d from Page 1)

by the bill would only be allowed to drive trucks outfitted with the latest safety technology, including active braking collision mitigation systems, forward-facing event recording cameras, speed limiters set at 65 miles per hour or less and automatic or automatic manual transmissions. Professional drivers training within the program is also required to be accompanied by an experienced driver throughout the process. French Recycling Plant Fitted With Machinex Robotics Machinex of Plessisville, Quebec, has implemented three sorting robots at Bègles, near Bordeaux, in France. The ro- bots are part of modernization work on the single-stream material recovery facility (MRF) in the metropolitan area of Bordeaux Metropole. The company will install these robots in a plant owned by the Veolia Group, a waste management company based in France.Their installation is expected next year. Machinex said the three robots will handle different func- tions in the single-stream system.Two robots will perform the quality control of clear polyethylene terephthalate and polyethylene/polypropylene by retrieving other recover- able and unwanted materials that may be present. In addi- tion, a third SamurAI will be placed on the rejects line to recover materials at this stage of the process.

National Fiber Supply Company

303 W. Madison St. Suite 1650 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Phone: 312-346-4800 Fax: 312-726-0371 7LHJO[YLL*P[`.LVYNPH 7OVUL! -H_! >PJOP[H2HUZHZ 7OVUL! -H_! *PUJPUUH[P6OPV 7OVUL!  -H_! 

January 18, 2021

2 April 26, 2021 Recycling Markets


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