Principal Mechanical Engineer - UoM


Our ambition is to create an inclusive place to work and study, one that is characterised by equity, diversity, and a sense of belonging for our community. The University of Manchester is committed to creating an environment where diversity is celebrated and everyone is treated fairly, regardless of sex, gender identity, disability, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital or transgender status, age, or nationality. We are committed to providing a trans- inclusive environment for all our staff, students, partners and visitors, which supports trans, non-binary and people with other identities. We will achieve this through continually reviewing our policies and the guidance and training we provide. When you complete an application to join the University, you can select your preferred gender marker - this includes the gender-neutral title 'Mx'. Once employed by the University, you are able to amend your other forename(s) and previous surname. OUR VISION FOR EDI AT MANCHESTER Our vision is to be recognised by staff, students, alumni and our partners, as an inclusive organisation. We will do this by creating an outstandingly inclusive place to work and study that is characterised by equality, seeing the value of diversity and where all have a sense of belonging. We have a genuine commitment to equality of opportunity for our staff and students and are proud to employ a workforce that reflects the diverse community we serve:

• 19% of our staff are from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background. • 22% of our staff are international. • 52% of our staff are women. • Within our community of more than 44,000 students, we welcome 14,800 international students from more than 170 countries. • We publish an annual report that details information about equality, diversity, and inclusion at the University EMBEDDING EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN OUR CULTURE One of the values at the heart of our vision and strategic plan is a commitment to equality and diversity, and to equal opportunities for all. Championing equality and diversity in all our activities, including staff employment and advancement, also forms part of our commitment to one of our core goals: social responsibility. We believe that everyone at Manchester has a duty to ensure the equality and diversity legislation is followed and implemented. Recognising, embracing and valuing difference that leads to improvements for all. We are fully committed to meeting and exceeding our obligations under current legislation and by doing more, we build on Manchester's existing reputation for its rich diversity and ensure we equip all our staff and students with the knowledge to sustain and enjoy a fully inclusive study and work environment. Specialist staff networks, forums and events are just some of the ways in which we keep our community connected and engaged with diversity issues.

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