DAY S O N M A R K E T ( D OM ) Days on market is defined as the total number of days a listing is active before an offer is accepted or the listing is pulled off the market. MO N T H LY S U P P LY An estimated time it would take to sell all current active listings based on the trailing 12-month sales rate. % L I S T P R I C E TO C LO S E D P R I C E Also known as the “Sale-to-List Ratio.” This is the ratio of the final sale price of a home to its list price or asking price. The ratio is an indication of whether homes are selling above, at, or below list prices. Figuring out this ratio is a simple two- step process: divide the selling price by the asking price, then multiply the result by 100 to make it a percentage. M A R K E T AC T I O N I N D E X T M Developed by Altos Research, this is an at-a-glance measurement of market conditions. The index compares rate of sales to inventory to determine if it is a buyer’s market or seller’s market.
S I N G L E FA M I LY A standalone house is a free-standing residential building. It is sometimes referred to as a single- family home, as opposed to a multi-family residential dwelling. CO N D O A condominium, often shortened to condo, is a type of living space similar to an apartment but independently sellable and therefore regarded as real estate. C LO S E D S A L E S Figures for the current quarter are based on known closings recorded at the time the report is prepared. AV E R AG E S A L E P R I C E The sum of all prices divided by the total number of properties.
QUA R T E R S Q1 January 1 – March 31 Q2 April 1 – June 30 Q4 July 1 – September 30 Q4 October 1 – December 31
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