November PCSBV Newsletter 2022

The work of the Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley (PCSBV) begins to unfold as we gently step into the spaces of people’s lives after a diagnosis, and into the very human work of dying. When the path is uncertain, we walk alongside those in this transformational journey to find a way forward. At PCSBV, we offer essential programs and services to those in our community experiencing life-altering circumstances, including diagnoses, chronic conditions, and grief. Your generosity has enabled us to provide much-needed support and solace to meet the needs of families. This past year we continued to build our foundations toward a patient-focused future vision for palliative care support in our community, including our long-term goal for a rural residential hospice home in the Bow Valley. We have brought on our new CEO, Theresa Radwell, who is doing the hard work of building our road map for more comprehensive, partner-inclusive palliative care programming across the region. While the hospice facility remains our biggest milestone, the work of providing essential support services, on behalf of patients and their families, continues. Together with our valued partners across the region, we ensure individuals and families can navigate the palliative care system smoothly. We have seen an increase in demand for our services to individuals and, more recently, organizations. Bill Harder, our Palliative and Grief Support Navigator, has been bringing the palliative care and end-of-life conversation to new people in new places, including care settings, workplaces, and community gatherings. Bill has begun regular client hours in Banff bringing our grief and loss support services to more individuals across the region. This outreach to individuals closer to their home will continue into the coming year. ANNUAL APPEAL: PALLIATIVE CARE SOCIETY OF THE BOW VALLEY A lump, or hand tremor, or shortness of breath. Then, a life-changing moment with the doctor. Tears, anxiety, and a bone-deep sadness ensue as the news is broken to family and friends. Minutes become more precious than gold and bucket lists fill to the brim. It starts with a discovery...

Here are the ways you can make a donation:

There is much more work to do with our community. Every dollar you donate builds on the work we continue to deliver. With your help, the PCSBV can change the dialogue about grief and loss, and create a healthier, stronger, more resilient, and compassionate community in the Bow Valley and beyond.


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Online at and click on the “Donate” button. Send a cheque to: Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley, PO Box 40113, Canmore Crossing, Canmore, AB, T1W 3H9 .

**Donations of $25 or more will receive a charitable receipt.

For more information contact Kristin Fry, Fund Development at or call (403) 707-7633

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