Le Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de la Psychanalyse

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Bleichmar, H. (2001). El cambio terapéutico a la luz de los conocimientos actuales sobre la memoria y los múltiples procesamientos inconscientes. Aperturas Psicoanalíticas nº9 el 05/11/2001 http://www.aperturas.org/articulos.php?id=178&a=El-cambio-terapeutico-a-la-luz-de- los-conocimientos-actuales-sobre-la-memoria-y-los-multiples-procesamientos- inconscientes. Blos, P. (1967) “The Second Individuation Process of Adolescence”, Journal The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Volume 22, 1967 - Issue 1 Blum, H.P. (1982). Theories of the Self and Psychoanalytic Concepts: Discussion. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn ., 30:959-978. Blum, H.P. (2004). Separation-Individuation Theory and Attachment Theory. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn ., 52(2):535-553. Bollas, C. (1987). The Shadow of the Object: Psychoanalysis of the Unthought Known. London: Free Association Books. Bollas, C. (1989). Forces of Destiny. Psychoanalysis and Human Idiom. London: Free Association Books. Bollas, C. (1992). Being a Character. Psychoanalysis and Self Experience. New York: Hill and Wang. Bollas, C. (1995). Cracking up – the Work of Unconscious Experience. New York: Hill and Wang. Bolognini, S. (1991). The Analyst's Affects: Analysis by the Ego and Analysis by the Self . Rivista Psicoanal. , 37(2):338-370. Bolognini S.(2002). “ L’assetto internodell’analista :analisi con l’Io e analisi con il Sè”. In Empatia Psicoanalitica. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri Editore. Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and Loss . London: The Hogarth Press. Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Parent–child attachment and healthy human development. London: Routledge. Bromberg, P.M. (1998). Standing in the spaces: Essays on clinical process, trauma, and dissociation . New Jersey: Analytic Press. Bromberg, P.M. (2006). Awakening the dreamer: Clinical journeys . New Jersey: Analytic Press. Bromberg, P.M. (2011). The shadow of the tsunami: and the growth of the relational mind . New York: Routledge. Bowlby, J. (1982). Attachment and loss: Attachment (Vol. 1), New York, NY: Basic Books (Original work published 1969).


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