Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

5. Surface. All required open off-street parking spaces and driveways must be graded and paved with an asphalt, asphaltic concrete, concrete or other comparable hard- surfaced, all weather, dustless material. a. Exception: Gravel parking areas are permitted only in industrial zoning districts. 6. Lighting. Lighting for parking spaces and loading areas must meet the requirements of Site Plan Review section 3.4.12 Site Lighting. B. Design of Handicapped Accessible Parking Spaces. 1. Handicapped accessible parking spaces must comply with the Design Standards of the most recent revision to the Americans With Disabilities Act. 2. Location. Handicapped accessible parking spaces must be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible facility entrance. a. Where buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, the accessible parking spaces must be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances. 3. Slope. Maximum permitted surface slope for handicapped accessible parking spaces and aisles is 1:48 in all directions.

102 Design of Off-street Parking A. Design of Standard Parking Spaces.

1. Parking spaces and loading areas must meet the design and screening requirements of Site Plan Review section 3.4.5 Parking Lots. a. All parking spaces must be contained within an identifiable parking area. b. Off-street parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building or structure. 2. Location. All required parking spaces must be located on the same zoning lot as the structure or use they serve, 3. Access. Each off-street parking space must open directly on an aisle or driveway which is designed and dimensioned to provide safe and efficient vehicle access to the parking space. a. A parking space must not exit or back directly onto a public street. b. A parking space must not use any part of the public right-of-way as part of the parking space. unless a conditional use permit is obtained. (See Zoning Regulations, Section 6-100D2.) c. Exception: In unusual circumstances, and where public traffic safety can still be protected, specific exceptions to these access requirements may be approved by the Governing Body. 4. Parking space dimensions. Unless special parking is designated for atypical vehicle sizes, an off-street parking space must be at least 8 ½ feet wide and 19 feet long , exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps or columns.

Main TOC Zoning TOC Off-street Parking & Loading

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