Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

5. Polygon Method for Determining Sign Message Area: In this method, the sign message area is defined as the area within no more than 3 polygons, each continuous and with up to 12 straight sides and/or radial curves , which enclose all the text, graphics, and any electronic message centers (EMCs) incorporated in the sign, as well as any setting. 6. For the following sign types, the sign message area is determined with the polygon method . a. Awning or canopy signs. b. Wall signs. c. Monument signs. d. Pole or pylon signs. e. Window signs. 7. For the following sign types, the sign message area is defined as the entire sign face, excluding structural elements . a. Projecting or suspended signs. b. Pole banners.

Determining SIGN MESSAGE AREA with the POLYGON METHOD — Examples — For each example sign, the areas outlined in red would be included in the sign message area.

The graphic at the top of the sign, all of the LED screen, and the text

are included in the sign message area.

c. Projected image signs. d. All hand portable signs.

The address number is exempt , and so is not included in the sign message area.

e. All short-term signs. f. All temporary signs. 8. For theatrical marquee signs , determination of the sign message area is not required.

SETTINGS : The blue area around the word Dupré, and the change in texture from ashlar to smooth stone in the Andover sign, each constitute a setting , which must be included as part of the sign message area.

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